January 2019 Trestle board

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM

Masonic Trestleboard

~ January

Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

Wednesday – January 16, 2019

Business will include the annual meeting 6:15 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm lodge opens.

Special Events

master mason rehearsal

WEDNESDAY Jan 23, 2018

There will be a rehearsal for the MM degree inspection at 7:00pm. attendance is mandatory for all officers and degree team members.

master mason degree inspection

WEDNESDAY Jan 30, 2019

the ddgl will be visiting lodge to witness our proficiency in the master mason degree.

no dinner. lodge opens at 7:30pm.

installation of officers

saturday february 2, 2019

there will be a semi-public installation of officers for 2019 at 2:00pm, to be followed by dinner

Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019–Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, January 25, 2019 – O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will host its’ Annual Visitation of Grand Chapter. Business Meeting at 5:30, Dinner at 6:30 Visitation at 7:30 pm. Business will include initiation of a new candidate.

Saturday January 28, 2019–Valley of Nashua

The Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Nashua will hold their degree season kickoff. Social 5;30 – 6:30, followed by dinner.

From the south

My Brothers. I would first like to thank my Brethren for electing me to be your Senior Warden for the upcoming year. It is an honor to serve this Lodge, and I hope I will live up to your expectations.

With each election, a new Worshipful Master takes the reins, and rules the Lodge. The WM, SW, and JW have already met to create forward looking plans for the next 6 years. Among those plans are re-focusing on the basic tenants of Freemasonry, planning on an enhanced social program, more community outreach, increasing membership, and of course our 200th Anniversary. We will have a busy 6 years, indeed!

One important emphasis for the next 2 years is to re-establish our Lodge’s reputation for sterling ritual. Our goal is to not only re-enforce the importance of the ritual as a framework for self-improvement, but also to demonstrate to others in the jurisdiction that they can rely on us to fill in when needed, and to travel when the opportunity presents itself. In the past, we were lucky enough to perform degree work in Nova Scotia, Maine, and Massachusetts – with dispensation, of course – and this created strong new friendships and unbreakable fraternal bonds. We always had a blast, and I hope that everyone who would like to participate in this effort will enjoy the same benefits that we enjoyed in years past. Our Lodge is capable of great energy, and this excitement boils over into every part of our lives outside the Lodge.

I am looking forward to serving our new Worshipful Master, and the Lodge. If at any time I can assist, or provide more light, please don’t hesitate to call on me.

Fraternally, Rich Johnston, PM, SW Elect


This time of year is important for many persons in setting goals and resolutions for the year to come. What kinds of goals have you set for yourself in the lodge? Is there a particular type of ritual that you would like to learn? Are you researching Masonic history to share with your Brothers? Is your goal to become a more active Lodge Member? Is there a non-masonic friend you have who might like to learn more about our great fraternity?

Of course most people don’t follow through on their resolutions and within a couple of weeks they are soon forgotten. But as a Freemason, whatever your particular goal or resolution might be, you have a great advantage; in our Fraternity there is always a trusty Brother waiting to assist you. Perhaps you will be that brother who will be asked to assist. One of our purposes is to make good men better. What better way than to assist a Brother in achieving a goal?

Adopted from Midnight Freemasons

Masonic Birthdays –January 2019

Brother Years

Donald C. Pickering 70

James A. Wood 62

Robert L. Clark 55

Frederick W. Pauling 47

Rodney J. Padmore 42

Malcolm R. Holden Sr. 37

Kurt E. Peterson 37

Dennis Webster 37

Richard L. Johnston 25

Jeffrey S. Stanley 25

Rodney D. Gagnon 22

Paul M. Haskell Sr. 22

Paul A. Sabol 19

Richard F. Hartford 18

Gregory A. Hackney 8

Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

December Trestle board 2018

RisingSun Lodge #39 F&AM

From the East

Happy Holidays Brethren

For those of you who were not at the November Grand Lodge meeting you missed out on the presentation of the Jeremy Ladd Cross award to Worshipful Brother Rich Johnston. Please join me in offering Rich congratulations on receiving this high honor.

The annual turkey drive went very well and we delivered a lot of turkeys. Thanks to Brothers Larry Gullett, Bob Bianchi, and Rich Johnston for all of your hard work. The annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Lodge was well attended and well done, as usual. Thanks go out to Brother Larry Gullett and to the other Brothers who made this possible.

Lodge kitchen cleanup is coming up on Sat. Dec 15 at 8:30am, and we can always use a few Brothers. Many hands make work light.

We will be holding our annual election of officers for the coming year at our next Stated Communication on Wed. Dec 19. Try to be there and take part in the selection of officers who will lead your Lodge in 2019.

We will be holding the Master Mason degree inspection by our DDGL on Wed. January 30. In preparation there will be a rehearsal on Wed. Jan 23, at 7:00. If you want to take part, please let our SD, Brother Woodrow know ASAP. Both of these dates are mandatory for the officers and degree team.

Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Mobile: 603.315-1157


The Holidays

HappyHolidays!!! Whether it is Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa,what do the holidays mean to us? No matter what your personalbeliefs, I think we can all agree that it is a magical time ofyear, with beautiful decorations, and amazing light displays. Anopportunity to give gifts and spend time with friends and family. The warmth of season’s greetings serves to remind us all that thereis still good left in our world. Our simple greeting of “MerryChristmas”, or “Happy Holidays” shows others that we share inthe spirit of the holiday season. Let us not forget that this time ofyear can be very difficult for some. Whether it is due to financialhardship, departed loved ones, illness, or any of a number ofproblems that we all face in our lives, this can be a difficult timeas well. As Masons we value the tenets that we bring to our lodgemeetings and that we live in our daily lives. Brotherly Love,Relief, and Truth, the treasures of Freemasonry, are the foundingprinciples we all share. Let us be especially mindful of these tenetsduring the holiday season.

Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

WEDNESDAY Dec 19, 2018

business will include election of officers for 2019. 6:15pm Dinner, 7:30 pm Lodge Opens

master mason rehearsal

WEDNESDAY Jan 23, 2018

There will be a rehearsal for the upcomming MM degree inspection by the ddgl. at 7:00pm. attendance is mandatory for all officers and degree team members.

master mason degree inspection

WEDNESDAY Jan 30, 2018

the ddgl will be visiting lodge to witness our proficiency in the master mason degree.

first section 5:30pm, 6:30pm Dinner, 7:30 pm second section

Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Monday December 10, 2018–York Rite Stated

Meridian Sun Chapter No. 9, R.A.M., Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.&S.M. and St George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their stated communication at 7:30pm.

Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018–Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, Dec 28, 2018– O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Masonic Birthdays –December 2018

Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years

Edward M. Annis 60

Jack H. Tottel 59

Samuel W. Kouchalakos 42

James F. McLaughlin 42

Jeffrey D. Alexander 24

George P. Brown 20

Norman J. Poisson 20

David J. Proulx 12

Robert S. Paul 11

Jay C. Taylor 10

Michael J. Marotte 9

Stephen W. Dohoney 5

Dominick L. Mandeville 5

DanielW. Leonard 1

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary

Special Notice Masonic Experience – Traveling

Brethren – This past year on our trip back from Nova Scotia on Rt 9 we, (Dennis Webster, Roger Gaskill, Paul Bielawski and myself) passed a pickup truck with a Masonic Emblem in the back window and as normal exchanged Masonic Greetings with the Driver at about 50 mph.  About 5 miles down the road we suffered an unfortunate blow out of my rear tire and proceeded to pull to the side and began the process of changing the tire.  It was at that time the same truck pulled over in front of us and a Mason in true form jumped out of the vehicle and said, your in my town move aside and he jumped right in and helped to jack up the car and change the tire with the spare.  We had a great conversation about our trip to Nova Scotia and his lodge in East Machias, ME; Warren Lodge #2 which he sat in the West as current Senior Warden.  After hearing of our traveling adventure, he invited us to his installation which I agreeably said, we have been known to travel and would endeavor to make it up if he was elected and he should let me know as soon as he is.
In true form, he did on November 21st we exchanged a series of texts.  With that said, in honor of his true Masonic spirit several of us will be traveling up to East Machias, ME for Erik Guptill’s installation as Master of his Lodge.  Currently, about 7-8 from Rising Sun have expressed interest and also we notified John Albro Lodge of Nova Scotia and seeing it is the mid-way point between us it sounds like 4-5 will be attending from there.
What a way to experience the true masonic spirit !  We are known as travelers and in that we will embark on our trip Saturday morning of January 12th for Brother Guptill’s installation.  We are planning on staying the night as well and heading back first thing Sunday Morning.
If you have interest in attending please let me know asap so we can make the appropriate arrangements with the lodge and the hotel.
Saturday, January 12, 2019 – Sunday, January 13, 2019
Time: Dinner 4:00pm
Installation 5:00pm

Warren Lodge # 2
5 Cutler Road
East Machias, ME 04630


Click here for PDF of trestle board

Masonic Trestleboard

~ November 2018

From the East


In the troubled world we live in today it is very easy to forget about all the good things we have in our lives. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, let’s all take a moment to reflect upon the numerous blessings bestowed upon us by our Divine Creator. With Monday November 11 being Veteran’s Day, we should also reflect upon the many sacrifices made by the brave men and women of our armed services. It is their precious blood that allows us to live in our great country, and enjoy the blessings of freedom and liberty, which it can be all too easy to take for granted.

We will be continuing our annual tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving at the Lodge on Thursday Nov 22 at 2:00 pm in the dining hall. It will be a magnificent turkey dinner with all the fixings. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. To ensure we will have enough food, please make reservations with RW Brother Larry Gullett. His e-mail is . You can also contact any lodge officer and they will pass along the word.

One final word Brethren; please remember to keep RW Brother Joe Beaumont in your thoughts and prayers as he is facing some current health issues. Let’s all hope and pray for a speedy recovery.

Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Mobile: 603.315-1157


 Charity should be given because it is the right thing to do, not for thanks, praise or medals. 

Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Mobile: 603-315-1157




In last month’s Trestleboard we announced the establishment of the $100 Club. This is a fund set aside to help with the costs of celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the founding of our Lodge !! That is quite an achievement, and one we can all be very proud of. For a donation of $100 you not only get to help the Lodge with this celebration, but you will get your name on a commemorative plaque to be displayed in the anteroom. You do not have to pay this all at once, but can do so in installments. There are further details and payment options available on our website: www.risingsun39.org.

2018 Annual Dues Is Seriously Past Due

2019 Annual Dues are due by dec 31, 2018

You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.



Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting


6:15pm Dinner 7:30 pm Lodge Opens

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thursday, Nov 22, 2018

4th floor dining hall at 2:00pm. No charge and all are welcome.

Officer’s meeting / degree rehearsal


4th Floor 6:30PM.

masonic veterans program


lunch at 12:00pm, program at 1:00pm.

masonic family christmas party


finger sandwiches, beverages, and an ice cream bar from 12 -3. santa arrives at 1:30. parents should bring an age appropriate gift for their child of up to $10.00 in value for santa to give out. Be sure to put your child’s name on the gift.

Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Monday December 10, 2018–York Rite Stated

Meridian Sun Chapter No. 9, R.A.M., Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.&S.M. and St George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their stated communication at 7:30pm.

Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018–Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, Nov 23, 2018– O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Masonic Birthdays –November 2018

Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years

Allan M. Barker 71

Robert S. Mercer 71

Jesse F. Hall 67 Richard E. Gilson 60

Lewis H. Coronis 56

Stephen C. Norris 54

Earl S. Prolman 54

Robert E. Nicholson 52

Roland E. Miller 43

Reuben S. Streeper 40

Jon R. Widdowson 40

Kenneth E. Patterson 20

Jonathan P. Ramsdell 11

Robert M. Marotte 9

Adam P. Shrey 9

William S. Horn 8

Leonard L. Perkins 8


Oct TrestleBoard 2018

Click here for a PDF of the trestle board

Masonic Trestleboard

~ October 2018 ~


October gave a party;

The leaves by hundreds came –

The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,

And leaves of every name.

The Sunshine spread a carpet,

And everything was grand,

Miss Weather led the dancing,

Professor Wind the band.

The Chestnuts came in yellow,

The Oaks in crimson dressed;

The lovely Misses Maple

In scarlet looked their best;

All balanced to their partners,

And gaily fluttered by;

The sight was like a rainbow

New fallen from the sky.

Then, in the rustic hollow,

At hide-and-seek they played,

The party closed at sundown,

And everybody stayed.

Professor Wind played louder;

The flew along the ground;

And then the party ended

In jolly “hands around.”

  • George Cooper

From the East 


Let me start by saying Thank You for all the assistance you have rendered to the lodge in the last year, it is truly appreciated. That being said, we have a large brotherhood here at Rising Sun 39 and in direct correlation a great need.  We need assistance in the following areas:  The Special ladies, turkey drive, the 200th anniversary committee and for the sick and needy in our group. I have been blessed by having a great group of brothers who step up to the plate as needed, but we can always use more assistance as many hands make light work.  If you are willing to help please let me know ASAP. The 200th anniversary of our lodge is rapidly approaching, and in order to plan for it we have started a fundraising initiative the $100 club, which is being directly appropriated to offset the costs of preparing for such an event.  Nobody like to talk about money, but if we just keep sweeping it under the rug we will never be ready for such a gigantic event in our lodge history.  As Master, I am a servant, not a dictator.  The lodge has directed me that they want to celebrate this event, and it cannot be done without some help.  If you want more information about the club please let any line officer know and they will be glad to assist.

Lastly, many of our elderly brothers seem to be in need of rides to lodge or maybe just an ear to listen and laugh with, please make it a point in your daily routine to be part of the solution by spending 5 minutes out of your day to look after a brother in need.

Thank You, and I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.

WM RS39 Ken Ziehm


Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

Wednesday, Oct 17, 2018

6:15pm Dinner 7:30 pm Lodge Opens

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Statewide Open House

See Details inside

Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018–Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, October 19, 2018– O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold an initiation of two candidates at 7:30 pm.

Friday, October 26, 2018– O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Remaining Visitations

The following visitations remain for the Second Masonic District for the 2018 -2019 year. Dinner is at 6:30, Lodge opens at 7:30. Dinner reservations are a must.

October 18 – St. Marks (EA 1st section)
October 30 – Ancient York (MM 2nd section)
November 15 – Washington (EA 1st section)
November 29 – Spicket (FC 1st section)
December 4 – Lafayette-Bible (FC 1st section

State wide Open house 

The Nashua-area community is cordially invited to join the Nashua Masonic Bodies at the Masonic Building, 196 Main Street in Downtown Nashua, NH (elevator at 200A Main Street) on Saturday, October 20, 2018 to learn about the history and tenets of Freemasonry and its affiliated bodies.

All New Hampshire Masonic Lodges will be open on October 20, 2018 from 9 AM-3 PM as a part of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire’s NH Statewide Masonic Open House.

Tours of the building will be conducted and members will be available to answer questions throughout the day.

Members of our appendant and affiliated bodies will also be represented, including Pilgrim Chapter No. 55, Order of the Eastern Star and Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.


Masonic birthdays 

Brother Years

Owen F. Walton 54

Richard J. Thompson 47

Joseph J. Beaumont 36

Brian J. Smith 36

Brian C. Turner 36

Frederick M. Raban 33

George P. Ivy 27

Steven E. Munzing 27

Dimitrios Katsioulis 23

Robert M. Porter 16

Michael A. Christopher 14

Norman W. Pelletier 13

John J. Dagianis 12

Stanley R. Heinrich 12

Pascal H. Corbinand 8

John C. Woodrow 8

Anthony F. Zanichkowsky 8

Jonathan R. Bibeau 7

Mark E. McLaughlin 7

Robert A. Nolet Jr. 7

Stephen M. Trachtenberg 7

May 2018 Trestle board

Click here to download this months TB

From the East


Your Lodge continues to be very busy as last month we had the privilege of welcoming our youngest Entered Apprentice.

We also held our Ladies at the Table event last Saturday. Thanks to everyone who participated. It was very well attended, and everyone had a great time. If you left hungry it was your own fault! Special thanks to everyone who helped to make this a very successful event – the cooking and serving Crew from Benevolent Lodge and other Lodges, the officers of Rising Sun, RW Larry Gullet, and of course, the wonderful women in our lives!

We will be visiting our brothers at John Albro Lodge this month. We will be leaving on May 24, and returning on May 27. We have a good sized contingent who will be traveling to the Great White North. If you are interested in joining us, it is probably not too late. You can contact myself, any Lodge officer, or RW Brother Larry Gullett for the details.

Thanks go out to everyone who helps to make things happen in our Lodge. There are many ways you can participate. Just ask myself or any of the other officers. We certainly need brothers on the sidelines, especially when we are initiating a new candidate. Remember without you my brother, there would be no Lodge. Hope to see you in YOUR LODGE soon.

Your servant,


Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Mobile: 603-315-1157

Email: ken@harmony-re.com



From active Masons, resolute,
Our wives and families we salute;
We surely know the price you pay,
Who sit alone while we’re away.

No high degrees on you conferred,
In Lodge, your name is seldom heard;
You serve our cause though out of sight,
While sitting home alone tonight.

Masonic papers list our names,
Awards are given, fit to frame;
But yours is absent…you who strive,
To keep our fortitude alive.

You’re part of every helpful deed,
On your encouragement we feed;
Without your blessings, how could we,
Continue acts of charity?

And so, this poem, we dedicate,
To every Master Mason’s mate;
And offer our undying love,
Rewards await in Heaven above.

Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

6:15pm Dinner 7:30 pm Lodge Opens

Grand Lodge

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday ,May 8, 2018–Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, May 25, 2018– O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.


May’s birthdays

Brother Years

Mark A. Marden 58

Creighton L. MacKinley 56

Archie S. Mobley Jr. 54

The McCartneys 50

Peter M. Shulkin 49

Kenneth W. Juttner 40

Robert G. Bianchi 32

Albert R. Anctil 31

John W. Jackson 24

Matthew H. Hoffman 14

Robert P. Cate 12

Gregory R. Hovagim 12

Ryan B. Gartley 10

David O. Hunt 10

Jacon B. Weisberg 10

Brian M. Anderson 7

John B. Burns 5

Michael T. Rhodes 5

Alexander J. Woodrow 5

April 2018 Trestle board

Click here for trestle board!


From the East


Last month we had the honor of raising 2 new Master Masons.  Both received excellent degrees, and I want to thank all of the people who stepped up to perform the degrees.  We are quickly coming up on yearly trip to Nova Scotia, and I would like to extend my greeting to any brother who would like to participate.

We will have a great time of fellowship and bonding with the Canadians and our fellow brothers.  We have dispensation to perform the FC degree for one of our current EA’s.  If you would like to be part of the degree team and our going to Nova Scotia with us , please let us know ASAP, so we can prepare the best degree possible for our candidate.  May 24, – May 27, 2018 is coming up fast.


If you want to carpool, that may be a possibility as well, but we need to know ASAP.


Your servant,


Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Mobile: 603-315-1157


Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

Wednesday – April 18, 2018

6:15 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm lodge opens.

Special Events

Wednesday – April 25, 2018




Wednesday – MAY 23, 2018




Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday April 10, 2018 – Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, April 27, 2018 – O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm.

Can you cook? Test your culinary skills by signing up to cook a Stated Meeting Dinner

Come join in the fun with a trip to Halifax Nova Scotia.

Departing on May 24 and returning on May 27th

We will be visiting John Albro Lodge # 122 on Sat the 26th with a dispensation to confer the Fellowcraft Degree on one of our Entered Apprentices

The cost of Hotel per room per night $120.00 +tax

Spouses are welcome.


Car Pooling NH at 6am

Arrive Halifax at approximately 6pm

Site seeing or golf outing on Friday day time

Friday Night TBD

Saturday a.m. TBD

Sunday morning Depart Halifax around 7am


Self-booking reservations under group name Rising Sun Lodge

Comfort Inn 456 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS

Phone number 902 463-9900


Masonic Birthdays – April 2018

Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Keith Vaskelionis Sr. 62

William R. Whitney 53

Ernest C. Hiscoe 48

Rollain E. Mercier 43

Robert E. Pelletier 26

Wilfred G. Caouette 25

Ronald P. Moody 25

Douglas M. Barker 20

Iouri M. Starosselski 20

Theodore F. Thompson 13

Thomas C. Rizzo 12

Vasilios P. Zaharopoulos 11

Timothy R. Marotte 9

Gregory R. Bean 8

Jon A. Rhan 8

Benjamin J. Langlois 7

David M. Denehy 6

Alexander L. Durden 2

Costin Barbu 2

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

February 2018 Trestle board

Click here for February Trestleboard


Masonic Trestleboard

~ February 2018~

From the East


At our January Stated Communication we held our annual installation of officers. It was ably performed by our very own R.W. Robert M. Porter, Past Master and DDGM of the Second Masonic District – Second to None !!! Thank you Brethren for the confidence you have shown in me. It will be an honor to serve our Lodge for another year. Thanks also go out to all of the other Officers, Past Masters, and especially to you Brethren for everything you do to support YOUR Lodge.

The coming months will be busy ones as we are currently working Brothers through the degrees. We also have a visit coming up to our Brothers in the Great White North at John Albro Lodge. We will be leaving for Halifax on May 24 and returning on May 27, so mark your calendars.

We are planning on hosting a Ladies at the Table evening on Saturday May 5, 2018 at the Temple in Nashua at 6:30 pm. This is something that hasn’t been done in some time. It is similar to a table Lodge but spouses and significant others are invited to attend. This will be a fun evening of fellowship and will feature a prime rib dinner. The cost is $30.00 per couple, or $20.00 per person.

Hope to See You in Lodge Soon !!!

Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Mobile: 603-315-1157



Elected Officers – Rising Sun 2018

Worshipful Master: Kenneth Ziehm II

Senior Warden Timothy Marotte

Junior Warden Richard Johnston

Secretary Brian Smith

Associate Secretary Steve. Bahsler

Treasurer Kevin Bailey

Associate Treasurer Larry Gullett

Trustee: Ed Waible

Grand Lodge Rep: Michael Tebbetts

Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

Wednesday – february 21, 2018

6:15 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm lodge opens.

Special Events

Wednesday – FEBRUARY 28, 2018

master mason degree if entitled.

first section 5;30 pm, dinner 6:30 pm, second section 7:30 pm.

Wednesday – march 28, 2018

tentative entered apprentice or fellow-craft degree if entitled.

lodge opens at 7:00 pm.

Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays

Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 – Ancient York Lodge

Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.

Friday, February 23, 2018 – O.E.S.

Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.


Come join in the fun with a trip to Halifax Nova Scotia.

Departing on May 24 and returning on May 27th

We will be visiting John Albro Lodge # 122 on Sat the 26th with a degree pending approval of dispensations

The cost of Hotel per room per night $120.00 +tax

Spouses are welcome.


Car Pooling NH at 6am

Arrive Halifax at approximately 6pm

Site seeing or golf outing on Friday day time

Friday Night TBD

Saturday a.m. TBD

Sunday morning Depart Halifax around 7am


Self-booking reservations under group name Rising Sun Lodge

Comfort Inn 456 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS

Phone number 902 463-9900


It was voted on during our September Stated Meeting that Lodge Dues will be going up to $110 for Rising Sun, combined with the GL Assessments for 2018 totaling $57 this brings the total to $167. Note that dues are due prior to the ensuing year. 2018 Dues is due on or before December 31, 2017

2017 Annual Dues Is Seriously Past Due

2018 Annual Dues is Past Due

You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.


January 2018 Trestle Board

Click here for Jan trestle board


Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM

From the east 

I want to thank everybody for all they have done at the lodge this year.  Thank you to the line and the Past Masters for stepping up where I have been unable, it is appreciated.    Also special congratulations to the SW Br. Marotte and The SD Br. Woodrow for performing an excellent FC degree to 2 brothers last month.  We also raised a new brother last month which is always a special occasion.  Keep in mind getting these candidates in the door is just the beginning the top and bottom line signers need to keep in touch as they are the first and probably most important point of contact.

Thank you to RW Br. Gullett and W Br. Webster for their encouragement to the new candidates as well, without their tutoring we would not have been able to keep our candidates moving forward.

I have been blessed with a great Masonic family. Thank you all, and I hope to be of greater service to all of you this year.

Look for somebody this month that you can help, and go out of your way to help them.  You will be glad you did.


Til next month.


Your Servant.


WM Ken Ziehm



This time of year is important for many persons in setting goals and resolutions for the year to come. What kinds of goals have you set for yourself in the lodge? Is there a particular type of ritual that you would like to learn? Are you researching Masonic history to share with your Brothers? Is your goal to become a more active Lodge Member? Is there a non-masonic friend you have who might like to learn more about our great fraternity?

Of course most people don’t follow through on their resolutions and within a couple of weeks they are soon forgotten. But as a Freemason, whatever your particular goal or resolution might be, you have a great advantage; in our Fraternity there is always a trusty Brother waiting to assist you. Perhaps you will be that brother who will be asked to assist. One of our purposes is to make good men better. What better way than to assist a Brother in achieving a goal?

Adopted from Midnight Freemasons

It was voted on during our September Stated Meeting that Lodge Dues will be going up to $110 for Rising Sun, combined with the GL Assessments for 2018 totaling $55 this brings the total to $165. Note that dues is due prior to the ensuing year. 2018 Dues is due on or before December 31, 2017

2016 Annual Dues Is Seriously Past Due

2017 Annual Dues Is Past Due

2018 Annual Dues is Coming Soon

You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.



Important Lodge Events

Stated Meeting

Wednesday – January 17, 2018

Business will include the annual meeting and installation of officers (short form)

6:15 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm lodge opens.

Special Events

Wednesday – FEBRUARY 28, 2018

master mason degree if entitled.

first section 5;30 pm, dinner 6:30 pm, second section 7:30 pm.

Wednesday – march 7, 2018

entered apprentice degree

lodge opens at 7:30 pm.

Wednesday – march 28, 2018

fellow-craft degree if entitled.

lodge opens at 7:30 pm.

Elected Officers – Rising Sun 2018

Worshipful Master: Kenneth Ziehm II

Senior Warden Timothy Marotte

Junior Warden Richard Johnston

Secretary Brian Smith

Associate Secretary Steve Bahsler

Treasurer Kevin Bailey

Associate Treasurer Larry Gullett

Trustee: Ed Waible

Grand Lodge Rep: Michael Tebbetts

Masonic Birthdays 

Brother Years

Donald C. Pickering 69

James A. Wood 61

Robert L. Clark 54

Philip W. McCubrey 54

Frederick W. Pauling 46

Rodney J. Padmore 41

Malcolm R. Holden Sr. 36

Kurt E. Peterson 36

Dennis Webster 36

Richard L. Johnston 24

Jeffrey S. Stanley 24

Rodney D. Gagnon 21

Paul M. Haskell Sr. 21

Paul A. Sabol 18

Richard F. Hartford 17

Gregory A. Hackney 7

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.

Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary

Dec TB Correction

In a rush to deliver you this months amazing trestle board a slight error on dates was made. The annual Christmas party is going to be held on December 9th Saturday not the the 10th. I apologize for any confusion and hope to see you at this years yule festivities