Trestleboard – October 2015

Click here to download a copy of this Trestleboard!

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM
open bible
Making a difference in our community since 1822
Masonic Trestleboard
~ October 2015 ~

From the EastI

What a great September of events with our Rusty Nail and Past Masters Night, Salvation Army Applefest and our Stated Meeting.

It was great to see all the help we had at the Applefest and what a great time our brothers and significant others had with even a few of the kids helping out. Thank you to all that came out to support our lodge helping in the community. The Rusty Nail Degree was also a success. We had 5 brothers who hadn’t been to lodge in a while and were very appreciative of us hosting this event as a refresher. Since then we have seen a few of them back and I have been in communication with a couple others. Freemasonry is like a nice suit, maybe a little dusty when you haven’t worn it in a while, but still as comfortable when you put it on.

Thank you to all our past masters that continue to support our lodge and be as active as they are with all of the events they support, their advice and the things they do in the background that no one knows about.

We have our visitation schedule in full swing now. Please check out the dates and see if you can come out and travel with Rising Sun to support our District and its Officers ! What great fellowship we share and also receiving more light with illustrations and education on the Fellowcraft degree. All Master Masons and Fellowcrafts are encouraged to attend.

Last but certainly not least, we will be co-hosting the LOI on October 2nd. Please try to come out and show our support in full force for our DDGL and DDGM as well as our Grand Lodge – they have gone through tremendous effort to make these happen.

Mini Guy MartineauFraternally,
Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Important Lodge Events

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
6:15pm Dinner 7:30pm Lodge Opens

Officers Meeting
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 – 6:30 pm

Lodge of Instruction – D2
Friday, October 2, 2015
6:30 pm-Dinner / 7:30 Lodge Opens

Masters Classes
Thursday, October 22,, 2015


Trash Pick-up
June 28th – August 30th – October 18th
Many Hands Make Light Work !

Nashua Masonic Family Dates

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Friday, October 23, 2015– O.E.S.
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting and installation of officers at 7:00 pm..

2nd Masonic District – Visitation Schedule
The Masters and Wardens and our District Officers have set this year’s visitation schedule.

1. 9/9/15 – Wed Lafayette-Bible – Goffstown
2. 9/22/15 – Tue Ancient York Lodge – Nashua

3. 10/5/15 – Mon Jewell – Pembroke
4. 10/27/15 – Tue Washington – Manchester
5. 10/29/15 – Thu Spicket – Salem

6. 11/23/15 – Mon St Marks – Derry
7. 11/30/15 – Mon Pulpit Rock – Pelham

8. 12/9/15-Wed Rising Sun – Nashua

Dinner will be served at 6:30pm
(Reservations are Required – please contact the Master or Secretary of the appropriate lodge)
Lodge Opens at 7:30pm

Please consider coming out to support our DDGM and DDGL, Past Masters from Rising Sun Lodge

“ True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation. ”

― George Washington

Masonic Birthdays – October 2015
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years
Frederick B. Andrews 61
John R. Hilchey 55
Owen F. Walton 51
Richard J. Thompson 44
Joseph J. Beaumont 33
Brian J. Smith 33
Brian C. Turner 33
Frederick M. Raban 30
George P. Ivy 24
Steven E. Munzing 24
Dimitrios Katsioulis 20
Robert M. Porter 13
Michael A. Christopher 11
Norman W. Pelletier 10
John J. Dagianis 9
Stanley R. Heinrich 9
Pascal H. Corbinand 5
Jeffrey M. Lamontagne 5
John C. Woodrow 5
Anthony F. Zanichkowsky 5
Jonathan R. Bibeau 4
Mark E. McLaughlin 4
Robert A. Nolet Jr. 4
Stephen M. Trachtenberg 4

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary

By Bro. Douglas Malloch

Men build a Road of Masonry
Across the hills and dales;
Unite the prairie and the sea,
The mountains and the vales
They cross the chasm, bridge the stream
They point to where the turrets gleam,
and many men for many a day
Who seek the heights shall find the way

Men build a Road of Masonry
But not for self they build
With footsteps of humility
The hearts of men are thrilled.
This music makes their labors sweet;
The endless tramp of other feet
The thought that men shall travel thus
An easier road because of us.

We build the Road of Masonry
With other men in mind;
We do not build for you and me,
We build for all mankind.
We build a road, remember, men
Build not for Now, but build for When,
And other men who walk the way
Shall find the road we build today.

Who builds the Road of Masonry,
Though small or great his part,
However hard the task may be
May toil with singing heart.
For it is something, after all,
When muscles tire and shadows fall,
To know that other men shall bless
the BUILDER for his faithfulness

Rising Sun Helping in the Community
Salvation Army Applefest

Applefest 2015

Can you cook? Test your culinary skills by signing up to cook a Stated Meeting Dinner this will help Brother Tim Marotte significantly.

You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.

Rising Sun Lodge #39 – 2015 Officers

2nd Masonic District Officers

Right Worshipful Joseph J. H. Beaumont
District Deputy Grand Master

Right Worshipful Robert M. Porter
District Deputy Grand Lecturer

Worshipful Malcolm A. Wooff
District Education Officer

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Guy at 603-315-4454 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.
Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – September 2015

Click here to download a copy of this Trestleboard!

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM
open bible
Making a difference in our community since 1822
Masonic Trestleboard
~ September 2015 ~

From the EastI

I certainly hope everyone had a great summer as it nears its end. The lodge has been busy since our Hiatus Feast in June with an EA Degree for two new brothers. Welcome Everett Law and Mark Edgett. The lodge has participated in many fun community events this summer with our 6th year at the Nashua Fairytale Festival, our Nashua Masonic Family BBQ at the Gullett’s, fundraising for Veterans Count with a fun event at the Nashua Silver Knights, and also our Annual Deep Sea Fishing Trip.

Thank you to Tim Marotte JW, for arranging the family BBQ, Paul Bielawski JS, and Jon Bibeau JD, for orchestrating the Nashua Fairytale Festival, Ed Waible and Paul Bielawski for your help and ideas for the Nashua Silver Knights, Brian Anderson for your assistance at with the Silver Knights evening, Peter Shulkin and John Woodrow for arranging the Special Ladies Brunch Cruise in combination with another lodge event, and to the many brethren that came out to help, support and attend all these events !

Special Thanks to Roger Pellerin, Peter Shulkin, Steve Trachtenberg, Tref Sage, Ed Waible, Brian Smith, Larry Gullett, and all the others that came to a brother in need who needed some moving done.

We have a busy fall season coming up with our Rusty Nail night, which we will also be honoring our Past Masters at the dinner and observing the 14th anniversary of the tragic day of September 11th. We also have our visitation season starting in September.

I am very proud of our lodge, our officers and our members that continue to help our family thrive. We as officers are here to server our lodge and its members not the other way around. Our efforts today will allow Rising Sun to prosper far after we are gone.

Mini Guy MartineauFraternally,
Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Important Lodge Events

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
6:15pm Dinner 7:30pm Lodge Opens

Rusty Nail / Past Masters Night
Friday, September 11, 2015
6:15 pm-Dinner / 7:30 Lodge Opens

Masters & Wardens Meeting
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Masters Classes
Thursday, September 24, 2015


Trash Pick-up
June 28th – August 30th – October 18th
Many Hands Make Light Work !

Cooking at Salvation Army Applefest
Sullivan Farm – 8:30am to 4pm
September 19, 2015

Nashua Masonic Family Dates

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

York Rite Stated – September 14, 2015
2nd Monday (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)
Meridian Sun Chapter No 9, R.A.M., Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.&S.M., & St. George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their Stated Communication at the Masonic Temple in Nashua at 7:30 pm.

Friday, September 25th– O.E.S.
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm. Work will include an initiation of a new member, if entitled.

2nd Masonic District – Visitation Schedule
The Masters and Wardens and our District Officers have set this year’s visitation schedule.

1. 9/9/15 – Wed Lafayette-Bible – Goffstown
2. 9/22/15 – Tue Ancient York Lodge – Nashua

3. 10/5/15 – Mon Jewell – Pembroke
4. 10/27/15 – Tue Washington – Manchester
5. 10/29/15 – Thu Spicket – Salem

6. 11/23/15 – Mon St Marks – Derry
7. 11/30/15 – Mon Pulpit Rock – Pelham

8. 12/9/15-Wed Rising Sun – Nashua

Dinner will be served at 6:30pm
(Reservations are Required – please contact the Master or Secretary of the appropriate lodge)
Lodge Opens at 7:30pm

Please consider coming out to support our DDGM and DDGL, Past Masters from Rising Sun Lodge

Masonic Birthdays – September 2015
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years
Jefferson K. Allen 38
Robert Rashkin 38
Gilbert P. Bemis 36
Michael W. Hogan 29
Keith Vakelionis Jr. 29
Zoltan A Retey 27
Michael F. Jean 25
Andrew L. McLaughlin 22
Richard G. Coutoumas 15
Adam J. Freiband 8
Alan J. Sewel 5

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary

Special Meeting
Friday, September 11, 2015
Rusty Nail, Past Masters, 9/11 Observance

Dinner: 6:15 Lodge Opens: 7:30

Haven’t been to lodge in a while? Rusty on a few things like how to work your way in?, Some of the Signs? Process within the lodge? Come to the “Rusty Nail” Night

all you need is your current dues card
we will take care of the rest.

Come enjoy a nice dinner to honor our Past Masters.

Come and help us observe the 14th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the United States.

This is sure to be a fun and informative evening – Hope you can come out and enjoy the fellowship of your brethren!

You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.

2015 12th Annual Deep Sea Fishing Trip2015 deep sea fishing trip

2015 Nashua Masonic Family Picnic
2015 Nashua Masonic Family Picnic

2015 Nashua Silver Knights – Veterans Count Fundraiser
Nashua Silver Knights - Veterans Count Fundraiser

Rising Sun Lodge #39 – 2015 Officers

2nd Masonic District Officers

Right Worshipful Joseph J. H. Beaumont
District Deputy Grand Master

Right Worshipful Robert M. Porter
District Deputy Grand Lecturer

Worshipful Malcolm A. Wooff
District Education Officer

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Guy at 603-315-4454 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.
Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – June 2015

Click here to download a copy of this Trestleboard!

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM
open bible
Making a difference in our community since 1822
Masonic Trestleboard
~ June 2015 ~

From the East

The nice weather is finally upon us and hopefully everyone is out enjoying the sunshine. We are expecting some hot days so please make sure to stay hydrated and sun screened.

We regrettably lost a great man and brother in Worshipful Richard E. Norcross. The masonic service led by Sean Picotte, Worshipful Master of Pequossette Lodge in Watertown on Monday May 25th, was well attended by Rising Sun Lodge, Aleppo Shrine and the Mini Haulers as well as the members of Pequossette Lodge. Please keep Brother Norcross’ family in your thoughts and prayers. He will be missed.

On a brighter note we had a great May stated meeting and a wonderful presentation was given on “Bunker Hill and its Masonic Significance” by Brother Donald Doliber from Massachusetts. I believe we had over 40 members in attendance and Brother Woodrow and Johnston put on a great meal !

We hosted this year’s fraternal visit from our brethren from the north as John Albro Lodge, their contingent of brothers from Canada, and wives and family members headed south of the border. The weekend’s events were full of light and fellowship. Thank you to Larry and Shelley Gullett for hosting the fellowship events and opening up their home. Thank you to John Bibeau and Paul Bielawski who worked tirelessly throughout the weekend helping with the many tasks that needed to get done. I am looking forward to next year when Rising Sun will travel north of the border to visit John Albro and our great friends there. They do a wonderful job hosting and I hope our weekend of events and fellowship entertained them as much

This month we have our Hiatus feast, so brethren please invite your lady, daughters, mothers and sisters to this event. Dinner will be provided by Larry Gullet with his famous pulled pork. We will have a short meeting from 7:30-8:00 pm then invite our guests into the lodge room for a special program for our ladies that have a masonic connection, including our Eastern Start Sisters and Rainbow Girls. Dress code is casual. Officers will be most likely in Bermuda Shorts and Hawaiian shirts or something to that effect.

On June 24th we will be initiating two members into Rising Sun, so please come and fill the sidelines. What an amazing impression it makes on a new candidate to show how active and passionate our lodge is and continues to be.

We also have the fishing trip coming up on Saturday, August 8th, I will have tickets in the next week or so for purchase.

This will be my last Trestleboard as we will not have any stated meetings in July and August, but will likely have some degree work to do and some fellowship events for the family.

Mini Guy MartineauFraternally,
Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Important Lodge Events

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
6:15pm Dinner 7:30pm Lodge Opens
Larry Gullett’s famed Pulled Pork for dinner, short meeting and special program for our ladies
PLEASE INVITE your Wife, Mother, Daughter, and Girlfirend

Officers Meeting EA Rehearsal
Wednesday June 3rd & 10th, 2015 – 6:30 pm

EA Degree – 2 Candidates
Wednesday June 24, 2015 – 7:00 pm

Masters & Wardens Meeting
Thursday, June 18, 2015 – location TBD

12th Annual Deep Sea Fishing Trip
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Please contact Guy Martineau, WM for tickets
603.315.4454 mobile

Trash Pick-up
June 28th – August 30th – October 18th
Many Hands Make Light Work !

Nashua Masonic Family Dates

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Monday June 8, -_York Rite Stated
Meridian Sun Chapter No 9, R.A.M., Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.&S.M., & St. George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their Stated Communication at the Masonic Temple in Nashua at 7:30 pm.

Strawbery Banke Portsmouth NH
Grand Lodge will hold a service at St, John’s Episcopal Church. Assemble at the William Pitt Tavern at 8:30 am. Will march to the church at 9:00am.

Cathedral of The Pines, Rindge NH
The annual St. John’s Day service will be held at Cathedral of The Pines. Grand Lodge will open at 10:30 am, so plan on being there around 10:00. It is about a 1 hour ride from Nashua. You are welcome to bring friends and family. .There will be a contingent from Rising Sun, including Worshipful Martineau. We will be leaving from the exit 8 park & ride around 9:00 am.

Masonic Birthdays – May 2015
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years
Robert B. Fletcher 59
Paul R. Josephson, Jr. 59
S. Jack Brenner 57
Donald E. Rowell 57
Ronald D. Weiss 56
Harold F. Bickford 43
Harry M. Willnus 36
John W. Herrholz 34
Raymond G. Ouellette 34
Stephen K. Bahsler 32
Treffley E. Sage 28
Ronald E. Carbary 27
John Callahan 20
Robert D. Jungkman 19
Leslie R. Hillier 18
Larry D. Gullett 17
Bruce S. Ricard 17
Dwight V. Cram 12
Gary T. Asselin Jr. 8
Antonio Farthing Jr. 8
David W. Tauer 6
Robert A. Hardman 5
Kevin M. Janvrin 5
Iraklis H. Lazaridis 5
Edward M. Waible 5
Michael A. Arnold 1
Daniel W. Leonard 1
Darren A. Stanizzi 1

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary

Who was that man?

Mamma, who was that man with whom you stopped to chat?
I mean the one with the symbol on his hat.
Was he a policeman or perhaps a fireman or just someone you knew
What was that symbol on his hat that meant so much to you?
No, the mother stopped and answered, smiling at her son
I stopped to thank that special man for all that he has done
Perhaps he is a fireman or a member of the police, I really do not know
I just stopped to thank him for what he did for my niece not long ago
Remember when your cousin Jenny was so sick
That man and others like him helped to find a fix
That symbol on his hat you see, identifies the man
As someone to whom we all can go when we need a helping hand
He and all his Brothers can be found here in our town
They are always working wherever a need is found
Sometimes they are raising money for this cause or for that
You can always tell just who they are by the symbol on their hat
But it is not just the symbol that tells you who they are
As they work to help a crippled child to leap across the bar
Or to read to listening children gathered at their feet
Or help a new young student, his college fees to meet
They go into the schools each year to find a way to help a child
Reading to the classes, being a role model and a bringing a smile
Into the lives of many kids, who do not have a Dad
Trying to help others forget, times that have been bad
The symbol on the hat, you see, is just an outward sign
What really identifies them, my son, is their state of mind
It is the look in their eyes and the smile upon their face
As they work in our town to make it a better place
That is why I stop to chat when I see them on the street
To thank them for the way they care, to give them back a treat
Just to know that someone cares about the work they do
I hope that when you are a man, you will wear that symbol too.
by George D. Cael, PM of Carrollton Lodge 1400

Delivered as the Closing Charge at the May stated meeting of Rising Sun Lodge #39, Nashua, New Hampshire, by RWB and Secretary Brian Smith, PM.

Rising Sun #39 11th Annual Deep Sea Fishing

2015 May Trash Pick-up
May Trash Pickup

2015 Memorial Day Parade/span>
Memorial Day Parade

2015 Fraternal Exchange
2015 Fraternal Visit

Rising Sun Lodge #39 – 2015 Officers

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Guy at 603-315-4454 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.
Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Threstleboard – May 2015

Click here to download a copy of this Trestleboard!

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM
open bible
Making a difference in our community since 1822
Masonic Trestleboard
~ May 2015 ~

From the East

April was definitely filled with highs and lows for our lodge and also excitement and activity. We lost two of our own and held a masonic service for Brother Alan D. Kupper who will be greatly missed not only at our lodge but Scottish Rite and also by his dear friends. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Leila and the family.

One of the high notes actually including a couple; our stated meeting in April was of epic proportions with over 60 people represented by 8 lodges that turned out for the traveling gavel. The winner is Thomas Talbot Lodge from Billerica. Congratulations to Worshipful Tom Foster who had a total of 15 brothers. Many thanks to all the brethren that turned out for this amazing meeting. The fellowship was outstanding and the dinner by Brother Iouri Starosselski and Peter Shulkin astonished us with Pirate head rags and nourished us with another very tasty meal. Congratulations to Brother Michael Henry from Ancient York Lodge who I was pleased to present with Rising Sun’s Coveted “Quarry Certificate Award” for continually going above and beyond for nearly everyone and his lodge !

We filled the East with senior officers from each lodge visiting but also with a Master Mason that had been raised less than 24 hours before who was going to go home and tell his Grandfather who is also a mason.

Coming up in the next month we have our stated meeting with a special guest speaker on the Masonic Connection of Bunker Hill. At the end of the month we will be hosting our friends from Canada. Please try to make every effort to come out and show the strength of Rising Sun and share in the fellowship.

Mini Guy MartineauFraternally,
Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Important Lodge Events

Wednesday, May 20, 2015
6:15pm Dinner 7:30pm Lodge Opens
Opening on EA – Program, Bunker Hill and its Masonic Connection, by Brother Donald A. Doliber

Officers Meeting and Rehearsal
Wednesday May 13, 2015 – 6:30 pm

John Albro Lodge (Nova Scotia) Exchange
May 21st – 24th
A full weekend of events are being scheduled with a reception on Thursday, visit to Salem, MA with Dinner on Friday and a Saturday Program with a fellowship BBQ in the eventing.

No Masters Class this month, Grand Lodge Annual Serves as our meeting.

Grand Lodge Annual Meeting
May 16, 2015 – 9:30am

Nashua Masonic Family Dates

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday May 12th – Ancient York Lodge
Stated Communication at 7:30 pm. Dinner at 6:15 pm

Friday May 22nd – O.E.S.
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Masonic Birthdays – May 2015
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years
Mark A. Marden 55
Creighton L MacKinley 53
Archie S. Mobley Jr. 51
John J. McCartney 47
Peter M. Shulkin 46
Stephen Kolesnik 40
Kenneth W. Juttner 37
Robert G. Bianchi 29
Albert R. Anctil 28
John W. Jackson 21
Matthew H. Hoffman 11
Robert P. Cate 9
Eric A. Fischer 9
Gregory A. Hovagim 9
William R. Chausee 7
Ryan B. Gartley 7
David O. Hunt 7
Christopher L. Richter 7
Jacob B. Weisberg 7
Christopher J. Busby 6
Brian M. Anderson 4
John B. Burns 2
Michael T. Rhodes 2
Alexander T. Woodrow 2

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary

What is The Length of My Cable-Tow?

The length of my cable-tow can be regarded as a symbol of the binding covenant I have made. And part of this covenant is a pledge to assist others and in this respect, the length of my cable-tow depends on my ability and willingness to fulfill my obligations and I must decide that length for myself. Measurement of service can never be subject to any externally imposed limitation for who else can decide the length of my spiritual ties? How long is my Cable-tow? It’s as long as I want it to be!

From: Freemasonry – Making Good Men Better 9/18/2010

The Closing of a Lodge

With the closing of the Volume & the opening of the door,
Think not this lodge has ended, think what has gone on before.
Remember all those worth men who as apprentice came,
& who developed love & skill & worked in friendships name.

When you take up the Working tools to gently put aside,
Think not their work has ended, think how they were applied.
Remember will the lessons taught, to craftsman tried and true,
Of Masons worthy of the name and aprons white and blue.

When your Tracing Boards are covered & the columns laid at rest,
Think not their teaching ended, think more a message blessed.
Remember the special meaning to Master Masons all,
Of birth and life and learning and waiting for the call.

With the sounding of the gavel and as the lights at last go out
Think not your Lodge has ended, dispel all lingering doubt,
Master, Wardens, Brethren remember as you depart,
That “Rising Sun Lodge” will live forever, in every Mason’s heart.

~ by RW Bro J.G.W. Kelley Past Grand Lecturer
Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territories.

Delivered as the Closing Charge at the April stated meeting of Rising Sun Lodge #39, Nashua, New Hampshire

May State Meeting Educational Program

“Bunker Hill and its Masonic Connection”
by Brother DONALD A. DOLIBER: of Marblehead, Massachusetts who is an accomplished public speaker, noted local historian, as well a quiet humorist. He has spoken on many topics including Masonic history, genealogical research, 1692 Witchcraft Hysteria, superstitions, Early Native American life, immigration, and local history. After receiving his Master of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts, Brother Doliber has been a teacher and an assistant high school principal. In 1983, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution selected him as their “Outstanding American History Teacher in the United States. In 1984, the Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge recognized him with their “George Washington Medal for Excellence in Education.” which was presented by General William Westmoreland. The Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators Association selected Mr. Doliber as “the Massachusetts Assistant Principal of the Year.”

An active Scouter, he earned the Eagle Rank and later as an adult was awarded the Silver Beaver Award, the highest award given to an adult. He has been a Mason for over twenty-five years and serves as the Lodge Historian and the Lead Masonic Ambassador for Philanthropic Lodge, Marblehead, Massachusetts. That lodge was instituted in 1760 and is the third oldest in Massachusetts. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts presented him with the Joseph Warren Medal for his Masonic service.

Rising Sun Lodge #39 – Master’s Goal

Goal: Leave Rising Sun Lodge in better shape than that of which we received it resulting in a more thriving and sustainable organization of brotherhood through Fidelity and Unity.

Vision: Our vision is nothing short of helping every brother receive light in Freemasonry through its tenets and virtues resulting in a more active membership for Rising Sun Lodge. “Make good men better”

Mission: We will strive to provide the education, activity, programs and fellowship that provide light to the original and realized reason a man asked to become a Freemason. This light will be guided and focused on Friendship, Morality, Truth, Faith, Hope and Charity.

John Albro #122 visitation to Rising Sun #39

John Albro Masonic Logo

MAY 21, 22, 23 – 2015

Thursday, May 21st – John Albro Arrives,
reception at Hawthorne Suites in Merrimack, NH

Friday, May 22nd – Visit to Salem, MA with dinner
to follow provided by Trinity Chapter OES, Hampton, NH

Saturday, May 23rd – Event at Nashua Temple with BBQ to follow at the Gullett’s House.
Come out and enjoy the fellowship and “light”


“I have no doubt that it was a principle they fought for, as much as our ancestors, and not to avoid a three-penny tax on their tea; and the results of this battle will be as important and memorable to those whom it concerns as those of the battle of Bunker Hill, at least.
~ Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862),
U.S. philosopher, author, naturalist.

Rising Sun Lodge #39 – 2015 Officers

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Guy at 603-315-4454 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.
Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – April 2015

Click here to download a copy of this Trestleboard!

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM
open bible
Making a difference in our community since 1822
Masonic Trestleboard
~ April 2015 ~

From the East

What a great site to see so many Brethren on the sidelines at our stated meeting, thank you for coming out and enjoying the wonderful dinner prepared by Br. Paul Bielewski, Jr Steward.

The presentation by Br Jon Bibeau, Jr Deacon on the new website was enlightening. An insightful and thought provoking program was led by our Sr Warden, Br Kenneth E. Ziehm II on managing and prioritizing the challenges placed upon our time. There were many lessons demonstrated by the large objects we place in our glass representing the important things in our life like our families, our health and Masonry although the glass perceived to be full, smaller items were poured into the glass showing our glass was not full, then even smaller items placed to show it was still not full, then water was poured in allowing even more. The big lesson was be careful of the items we pour into our time at the end what we place in our glass could be muddied by what we choose.

The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire hosted a Leadership Training led by WB Rob Herd, which was well attended by from my guess almost 100 brothers. From that I will conclude with what came out of that training session a clear approach of my vision and goal for Rising Sun Lodge during my term as Worshipful Master. I would be interested in your thoughts and ideas of what is important to you in your masonry and on this vision.

Goal: Leave Rising Sun Lodge in better shape than that of which we received it resulting in a more thriving and sustainable organization of brotherhood through Fidelity and Unity.

Vision: Our vision is nothing short of helping every brother receive light in Freemasonry through its tenets and virtues resulting in a more active membership for Rising Sun Lodge. “Make good men better”

Mission: We will strive to provide the education, activity, programs and fellowship that provide light to the original and realized reason a man asked to become a freemason. This light will be guided and focused on Friendship, Morality, Truth, Faith, Hope and Charity.
• Friendship (Brotherly Love) – Let the world see and experience the respect and love we have for not only each other as masons but for all.
• Morality – this is our ritual that provides illustrations that guide our character, values and behaviors.
• Truth – honesty, sincerity, and plain dealing as well as the divine truth of the realization of a higher deity
• Faith – the evidence of things not seen.
• Hope – that through our efforts a trust that great things will come
• Charity – through our labors help a brother, a friend, our lodge, our masonic family, our special ladies, our masonic charities and our community.

Mini Guy MartineauFraternally,
Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Important Lodge Events

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
6:15pm Dinner 7:30pm Lodge Opens
Opening on EA – Traveling Gavel will be surrendered to the Lodge with the most members exceeding 7.

Officers Meeting and Rehearsal
Wednesday April 8, 2015 – 7:00 pm

John Albro Lodge (Nova Scotia) Exchange
May 21st – 24th
A full weekend of events are being scheduled with a reception on Thursday, visit to Salem, MA with Dinner on Friday and a Saturday Program with a fellowship BBQ in the eventing.

Masters Classes – 4th Thursday
6:30pm Light Refreshments, 7:00pm Start

Thursday, March 26, 2015
Host: Rising Sun #39, Nashua, NH

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Host: Ancient York#89, Nashua, NH


John Albro #122 – Installation of Officers
April 4, 2015 – Brother Gerald Suttle and his officers will be installed for the ensuing year.. We congratulate WM, Donald Doucette and his officers on a great term !

Nashua Masonic Family Dates

Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday April 14th – Ancient York Lodge
Stated Communication at 7:30 pm. Dinner at 6:15 pm

Saturday April 18th – Evening of Masonic Light
Ancient York #89 will be hosting its annual evening of Masonic Light beginning at 4:00pm. Master Masons only.

Friday April 24 – O.E.S. Stated (official visitation)
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Masonic Birthdays – April 2015
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years
Samuel J. Tobias 59
Keith Vaskelionis 59
William R. Whitney 50
Ernest C. Hiscoe 45
Rollain E. Mercier 40
Raymond C. Powles III 24
Robert E. Pelletier 23
Wilfrd G. Caouette 22
Ronald P. Moody 22
Douglas M. Barker 17
Andrew W. Maurey 17
Luther A. McCubrey 17
March O. McCubrey 17
Louri M. Starosselski 17
Theodore F. Thompson 10
Thomas C. Rizzo 9
Richard W. Lowrance 8
Shawn M. Rafferty 8
Vasilios P. Zaharopoulos 8
Timothy R. Marotte 6
Gregory R. Bean 5
Jon A. Rhan 5
Jospeh R. Hoebeke 4
Benjamin J. Langlois 4
David M. Denehy 3

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary


In 1860 in Limerick, Ireland, there was found a stone in a small chapel, dated 1517, with the following inscription: “I will strive to live with love & care, upon the level, and by the square.”

Famous Masons in History

George Washington, Gunning Bedford Jr., Benjamin Franklin, John Blair, David Brearley, Rufus King, John Dickinson, Jacob Broom, Daniel Carroll, Jonathan Dayton, Nicholas Gilman, James McHenry

History Masons

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”
~ Aristotle

John Albro Masonic Logo

MAY 21, 22, 23 – 2015

Thursday, May 21st – John Albro Arrives

Friday, May 22nd – Daytime event with Dinner

Saturday, May 23rd – Event at Nashua Temple with BBQ to follow at the Gullett’s House.

Mark your calendars – more details to follow.

Rising Sun Lodge #39 – 2015 Officers

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Guy at 603-315-4454 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
Brethren, if you have not yet paid your dues for 2015 or 2014 please make this a priority, if you are unable or need assistance please contact the Worshipful Master or Secretary.
You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well. Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – March 2015

Click here to download a copy of this Trestleboard!

Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM
open bible
Making a difference in our community since 1822
Masonic Trestleboard
~ March 2015 ~

From the East

I certainly hope everyone is fairing this winter weather well and staying warm and safe! What a month it has been with over 5 feet of snow and temps of -15. If you know of someone that needs assistance please let me know. We want to ensure we are keeping everyone healthy and warm.

We ended last month on a very high note with our installation of officers and on behalf of all the officers. I would like to thank everyone for coming out. The lodge room and banquet room were both bustling with activity and excitement, with about 150 in attendance including servers and kitchen crew.

Thank you very much to Sister Shelly Gullett and Pilgrim Chapter for the wonderful meal, Nashua Assembly #9 as our beautiful greeters & the amazing flag tribute, and to Nashua Pledge for the amazing centerpieces of handmade flowers. This was truly a memorable day for all including the officers of Rising Sun!

We had a great showing of visitors from within the state as well as Massachusetts and Canada including our sister lodge of John Albro, who were in full force. Look at all the wonderful snow MW, Owen Walton brought for us !!!

Thank you to all who filled in for our stated meeting as I was away on a business trip. This truly speaks to the strength of our lodge and especially our Past Masters who are always there to lend a hand!

We unfortunately had a couple of down notes this month with the passing of Brother Dan Doyle. We remembered him along with Brother Warren Pyles with Masonic Services. Thank you to all that came out to honor all they have done for our wonderful fraternity.

Congratulations to our newest Master Mason, Rick Dagenais who, on February 25th, received an amazing and spectacular MM degree – especially Stephen Bahsler with the History, Thomas Rizzo with the Canadian Charge and Richard Thompson with a special prayer selected. The prayer Rick chose was the same that was communicated in Fredericksburg Lodge #4 in Virginia the night that George Washington became a Master Mason.

Congrats Rick. You’re a Master Mason, Now What?

Please check your Rising Sun Trestleboards, Website Calendar Page, Facebook Page and Nashuafreemasons Yahoo Group for events and notifications.

“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing”
~ Rollo May

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Why did you become a Mason?

guy being installed

Did you get all you expected, if not, Why?
If you are not seeing what you would like or what interests you please let one of your officers know and ensure they are discussing with your Worshipful Master.

Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
~ Helen Keller

Important Lodge Events

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
6:15pm Dinner 7:30pm Lodge Opens

Officers Meeting and Rehearsal
Wednesday March 11, 2015
7:00 pm

Masters & Wardens
Thursday, March 5, 2015
6:30pm Light Refreshments, 7:00pm Open
Lafayette Bible Lodge #41 Goffstown, NH –
15 Mountain Rd

Masonic Leadership Training
Saturday, March 14, 2015
9 AM to 4 PM
Coffee social at 8:30 Lunch at Noon
Holiday Inn-172 North Main Street, Concord, NH
Cost: $15

Nashua Masonic Family Dates

Thursday March 5 – Rainbow Stated
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Monday March 9 – York Rite Stated Meridian Sun Chapter No. 9, R.A.M. -Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.& S.M. and Saint George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their Stated and Annual Communication at 7:30 pm.
Tuesday March 10 – Ancient York Lodge
Stated Communication at 7:30 pm. Dinner at 6:15 pm

Thursday March 19 – Rainbow Stated
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Saturday March 21 – Scottish Rite Special
Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection will exemplify the 4th and 14th degrees beginning at 9:00 am. Lunch will be served after the degrees. Reservations with the Secretary at 603-882-4931.

Friday March 27 – O.E.S. Stated
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Masonic Birthdays – March 2015
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:

Brother Years
Carl B. Cudhea 66
Davis P. Thurber 66
Charles H. Farwell Jr. 64
Paul K. Geddes 59
Alton M. Hopkins 57
Roland N. Petersen 54
Gerald K. Classon 48
George D. Van Dyke 48
Courtney R. Sargent 47
Roland F. Young Jr. 47
Richard F. Clifton 39
George J. Louzek Jr. 37
Clement W. Libby Jr. 36
Robert G. Hampton 33
Maurice J. Cloutier Jr. 32
Thomas E. Spencer 32
Robert A. Maffee 31
Thomas A. Maffee 31
Harry E. Keefer Jr. 29
Roger J. Pellerin 29
Carey L. Wallace 29
Kurt M. Markarian 27
Paul F. Matthews 26
William H. Martin 18
Donald J. Campbell 16
Leonard J. Dobrowski 16
Clement G. Hartley 16
William R. Kime 16
Robert H. Norman III 16
Raymond R. Russell Jr. 16
Russell S. VanderHorst 16
Guy R. Martineau 12
Kenneth E. Ziehm II 11
Paul Retey 8

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary


Masonic dates are written A.L.” for “Anno Lucis” or “In the year of Light” which is 4000 years plus the current year. i.e. the year 2001 written Masonically would be 6001. This is because the practice has followed the ancient belief that the world was created when God said “Let there be light”, 4000 years before Christ.
Masonic Trivia collected by Brother Ray Dotson

How can you help your lodge?
Please ask on how you can get involved.

kitchen crew

Cooking – stated meeting dinners, please see your Junior Warden – Tim Marotte

Mentor Program – helping candidates learn their ritual and understand the history and workings of our fraternity and lodge.

Trash Pickup – we do this four times per year as a service to our community and it is a great fellowship event.

Fundraisers – these help offsite some of the costs for the running of the lodge, and specific events like our 200th Anniversary coming up in 2022.

Fun Events – as Brothers, with Families and with our Masonic Family. If you have ideas let us know.

1965032_1074814039212461_1140119438453178237_nRising Sun Lodge #39 – 2015 Officers

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Guy at 603-315-4454 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
Dues Notices have been sent out for 2015. Along with the traditional method of paying dues via check, Rising Sun #39 has added the capability to use PayPal to electronically pay dues, make donations and catch up on prior years dues. Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – February 2015

Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge!

Coming Events | Birthdays | News


guy_master_picFrom the East – February 2015

As I sit and write this, my first message from the East, I have yet to be installed as Worshipful Master. As Master Elect it is humbling to be handed the reins of an amazing lodge and such great brethren.

At our December annual stated meeting we completed our election of officers and I am deeply honored and excited about the tasks and challenges that have been entrusted to me by you my brethren. Thank you very much for this opportunity to serve our lodge and each of you in this capacity.

In the upcoming year I am hopeful to build upon the “Fidelity” we share within Rising Sun and Freemasonry. Fidelity is defined in one way as being loyal and faithful and it is in this spirit to which it will be referenced during the next year. Fidelity in ourselves, our families, our community, our friendships, our tenets, our landmarks and our lodge. I will strive hard to foster programs, meetings, and events that enable us to strengthen our bonds as brothers and incorporate our families.

In 2015 we will have many events with our stated meetings, degree work, community events, and fun events however the importance with each of these are the fellowship we share and the common bond that links each of us together with a sincere and genuine trust – the values represented in our tenets.

The strategic direction of the lodge I will be focused on will be to encourage attendance through a desire to want to be there, increase participation because of the value it brings to you, and to strengthen our ties with each other, our lodge, our fraternity and our masonic family.

I would like to thank those brethren that came out to help with the cooking for our sister lodge here in Nashua for Ancient York’s installation. John Woodrow, Jon Bibeau, Steve Bahsler, Ken Ziehm, Tim Marotte, Treff Sage, John Jackson, and Rich Johnston you each made the day go by faster, the work easier, and the day more fun ! Thank you.

I will leave you with this last thought, our future is in our newest members and candidate who are the future leaders of our lodge however it is you and you alone, individually through your portrayal and passion for masonry on which they will begin to lay their cornerstone.

I would like to extend a special invitation to all of the Brothers who have Masonic Birthdays in February I hope you can make it to Lodge to be recognized and to allow all the Brethren to extend their birthday wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.e
Mobile: 603.315.4454

Coming Events

Wednesday February 4
Officers meeting and rehearsal 7:00 pm.

Wednesday February 18
Stated Communication. Dinner at 6:15 pm and meeting at 7:30 pm.

Saturday February 21
There will be a memorial service including a Masonic funeral service for Brother Warren Pyles who was called to the Celestial Lodge Above on December 3, 2014. It will be held at the Pilgrim Congregational Church, 5 Watson St. Nashua NH beginning at 11:00 am. Let us all pay our final respects to a brother who was well loved and is sorely missed.

Wednesday February 25
Master Mason Degree, if entitled. First section, 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm, second section at 7:30 pm.

Nashua Masonic Family Dates:

Sunday February 1 – Superbowl Party
The Scottish Rite Bodies will be hosting a Superbowl Party on the forth floor of the Masonic Temple beginning at 4:00 pm. Bring your family & friends. All are welcome. Reservations with the Secretary at 882-4931.

Thursday February 5 – Rainbow Stated
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday February 10 – Ancient York Lodge Stated Communication. Dinner at 6:30 pm, meeting at 7:30 pm.

Thursday February 19 – Rainbow Stated
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.

Friday February 20 – O.E.S. Initiation
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold an initiation of new members at 7:30 pm.

Friday February 27 – O.E.S. Stated
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.

Masonic Birthdays
for Feburary 2015.
Happy Masonic Birthday
to the following Brethren.
Guy R. Martineau, W.M.e

Brother Years
Ellsworth G. Vadney Sr. 68
Roger W. Gaskill 64
Philip L. Hall 61
John G. Senter 60
Kenneth P. Blanchard 53
George R. Palmer 46
David B. Molnar 40
George W. Adams 33
Randy S. McMullen 31
Steven F. Maffee 29
David A. Barker 24
Shawn N. Jasper 24
William Luszey 23
Rock W. Romeo 22
Wayne R. Johnson 20
Anthony F. Phillips Jr. 19
Thomas V. Mullen 14
Jason F Ruimerman 12
Gregory W. Chenevert 9
Matthew A. Stanizzi 4

I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.

Guy R. Martineau, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M.
Secretary, (603) 821-5196 a.m.


Did You Know?
Why is the Masonry of today called “speculative”?

The word is used in the sense that the Masonry of today is theoretical, not practical, building; that it is a pursuit of knowledge, not of the construction of edifices.

Speculative Masonry began with the practice of admitting to membership in operative lodges men who were not practical builders, stonecutters, architects, etc., but who were interested in the moral, ethical and philosophical teachings of the Fraternity.

“One Hundred One Questions about Freemasonry” Masonic Service Association, 1955.


Congratulations! Sister Joan Smith (center) receives her first Grand Representative appointment to Italy! Pictured (L to R) with Frank Fenner, Brian Smith, Larry Gullett, Lucia Savage, Bill Rohr, and John Jackson. (Photo courtesy of Joan L Smith)

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellence and endowments of the human mind.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Brethren, I am sure you have all heard the saying that you get out of something only as much as you put into it. This is true of Masonry as well. There are many ways you can help your Lodge. Just ask the Master and he will put you to work. One way you can help is in the kitchen. We all enjoy the fellowship and breaking bread with our Brothers before the meetings, but we need help with the cooking. If you volunteer for just one meal over the course of the year, it will be well appreciated.

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Steve at 603-759-8279 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
Dues Notices have been sent out for 2015. Along with the traditional method of paying dues via check, Rising Sun #39 has added the capability to use PayPal to electronically pay dues, make donations and catch up on prior years dues. Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – January 2015

Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge!

Coming Events | Birthdays | News


sqcomp2From the East – January 2015

Well Brethren, the time has arrived for my final message from the East. I don’t know where the last two years have gone. It is (or should be) the goal of every Master to leave the Lodge in a stronger position than when he assumed office. I would like to think that together as a team, we have done so. I would like to thank all of the officers and brethren who have worked so hard to make our accomplishments over the last two years possible. I extend my congratulations to Worshipful Elect, Brother Guy Martineau, who will assume office in January. It is an understatement to say that Brother Guy has been my strength and support during my term of office. He will bring so much passion, enthusiasm, and energy to the East. I know the next two years will be successful ones for the Lodge. Please join us for our Installation of officers on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 2:00 pm. This will be a big day for the Lodge, with four Past Grand Masters in attendance. We will also be joined by our Brothers from the Great White North. The ceremony will be followed by a dinner at 5:00 pm. Reservations with the Secretary or my-self.

With the holiday, this is a busy time of year for the Lodge. In November we had another successful turkey drive, in which we were able to provide 60 turkeys and other food items to the Toll Street Mission and other local charities. In December we had our annual breakfast with Santa, which was well attended. The kids were entertained by a magician and they certainly enjoyed their time with Old Saint Nick. I would like to extend my thanks to Brother John Woodrow and the other members of our Special Ladies Committee. They have been busy delivering poinsettias and cards to the widows of our brothers who have been called to the Celestial Lodge Above, to let them know they are not forgotten.

I would like to extend a special invitation to all of the Brothers who have Masonic Birthdays in January. I hope you can make it to Lodge to be recognized and to allow all the Brethren to extend their birthday wishes.

Thank you Brethren for the honor you have given me in allowing me to serve as Master of your Lodge. It has been a pleasure to work with you during the past two years, and I look forward to a bright future for Rising Sun Lodge.

Steve Bahsler, W.M.
Cell phone: 603-759-8279

Coming Events

Ancient York Lodge Installation of 2015 Officers
Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 2:00pm, Dinner at 5:00 p.m.

January 21st Stated Communication and Annual Meeting 7:30 pm, dinner at 6:15 pm. Election of Officers

January 31st Rising Sun Lodge #39 Installation of 2015 Officers
Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 2pm, Dinner at 5pm


Ancient York # 89 Stated Meeting: 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 PM

Nashua Rainbow: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Pilgrim Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star: 4th Friday at 7:30pm January 26th

Masonic Birthdays
for January 2015.
Happy Masonic Birthday
to the following Brethren.
Stephen K Bahsler, W.M.

Brother Years
Donald C. Pickering 66
James A. Wood 58
Robert L. Clark 51
Wor. Philip W. McCubrey 51
Frederick W. Pauling 43
Rodney J. Padmore 38
Malcolm R. Holden Sr 33
Kurt E. Peterson 33
Wor Dennis  Webster 33
Wor Richard L. Johnston 21
Jeffrey S. Stanley 21
Rodney D. Gagnon 18
Paul M. Haskell Sr 18
Paul A. Sabol 15
Richard F. Hartford 14
Gregory A. Hackney 4
Geoffrey R. Legg 3
Joshua J. Phillips 3

(603) 821-5196 a.m.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M. Secretary,
I wish each of the above Brethren a
very happy Masonic Birthday, and
invite them to join us at Lodge this
month, so that I may personally
extend my hand and best wishes.


Joint Ancient York / Rising Sun Table Lodge
A joint Table Lodge was held in Nashua, sponsored by both Nashua Lodges. A Prime Rib dinner, cooked by Ron LaTerza and served by the Brothers of Pulpit Rock Lodge was enjoyed by many. Our DDGM RW Bro David Smith represented Grand Lodge and a great time was had by all. During the Table Lodge, Bro Ryan Flynn presented AY Master Mike Henry with a beautiful, hand drawn Patent for Wor. Henry’s 3 years of service.

Rising Sun Lodge #39 Special Ladies
The wives of our departed Brothers are precious to us, and are especially remembered in the Holiday Season/ Our Special Ladies committee visited some of them still living in the local area and presented them with Christmas Cheer. For those who have moved (can Florida in Dec still feel like Christmas?) we sent gift cards.

When Brothers Meet:
By Ancient custom, the King was always covered while his subjects were never covered in his presence. The American custom of the Master of the Lodge wearing a hat as a symbol of his authority is apparently a result of that ancient custom.
“One Hundred One Questions about Freemasonry” Masonic Service Association, 1955.

Ready for Installation? Rising Sun #39 plans for January 31st.

RWor Larry D. Gullett, P.M., P.D.D.G.M.
Wor Robert M. Porter, P.M.
Wor. Leslie Robert Hillier, P.M. Nova Scotia
Wor Jerome T. Becker, PM, Grand Marshall
Most Wor C. Wayne Libby , Jr., P.M., P.G.M
Wor. Richard L. Johnston, P.M.
Wor. Brian J. Smith, P.M., Grand Chaplain
Wor Dennis Webster, P.M.
Wor Joseph J.H. Beaumont, P.M. Grand Persuivant
Wor .Stephen K. Bahsler, P.M.
Most Wor. Owen Walton, P.M. P.G.M. Nova Scotia
Wor. Clayton Merrick, P.M. Nova Scotia

The Lodge Room – Then and Now


Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Steve at 603-759-8279 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
Dues Notices have been sent out for 2015. Along with the traditional method of paying dues via check, Rising Sun #39 has added the capability to use PayPal to electronically pay dues, make donations and catch up on prior years dues. Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – December 2014

Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge!

Coming Events | Birthdays | News


sqcomp2From the East – December 2014

As I write this message another Thanksgiving is almost here. Let’s take a moment to reflect upon all the good things in our lives and give thanks to our Divine Creator. It is also a time to help those around us who are less fortunate. In this light the Lodge had another successful Turkey Drive, in which we raised over $700.00 to provide turkeys and other food items to the Tolles Street Mission, the Nashua Children’s Home, and other local charities. By the time you read this, we will also have served dinner at the Lodge on Thanksgiving Day. As is our custom, we did not charge for the meal which is open to Masons their families and friends. At present, we expect over 50 people to attend.

When you get a chance, check out the Lodge’s web site, which is continually undergoing improvements. You now have the ability to pay your 2015 dues on line, using Pay-Pal. There is also the ability to make donations to various charitable activities the Lodge does, using the same feature. We have many upgrades and other features that will be added early next year. I would like to extend a special thanks to Jon Bibeau who has worked so hard on this important project. If you have any suggestions or would like to help with the monthly up-keep of the site, let me or Brother Bibeau know.

The Lodge has started up our Special Ladies Program again. This is to show the widows of Lodge Brothers that we still remember them. We recently invited them and a guest to a performance of Dr Marigold by Gerald Charles Dickens, Great Grandson of Charles Dickens, at the Nashua Senior Center. Those who attended had a nice time. My thanks go out to our Sr. Warden, Brother Guy Martineau who was instrumental in this effort, as well as to Worshipful Robert Porter , who had the idea for this event. Honorable mention goes out to our Secretary RW Brian Smith who compiled the list of Special Ladies and their contact info (no small task) and especially to Brother John Woodrow who volunteered to be Chairman of the Committee. We will need volunteers in December to help us make a special holiday delivery to the Special Ladies who live in the area.

We will be holding a Joint Table Lodge with Ancient York Lodge on Saturday Dec 13 at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $25.00 and we will be serving a prime rib dinner. You can also buy your tickets on line at our web site. Hope to see you there.

Look at your dues card Brethren. If it does not say 2014 on it, then you are not current. The 2015 dues notices will soon be going out as well. There are several of you who owe one or more years dues and are in danger of suspension. If you are having trouble paying your dues, contact me or any of the Lodge officers. We would like to help. That’s what Brothers are for.

I would like to extend a special invitation to all those who have Masonic Birthdays in December. Come to Lodge and enjoy the fellowship with your Brothers, and allow us all to personally extend to you birthday greetings

Steve Bahsler, W.M.
Cell phone: 603-759-8279

Coming Events

December 17th Stated Communication 7:30 pm, dinner at 6:15 pm. Election of Officers

December 13th Joint Table Lodge with Ancient York # 89 See officers for tickets

Ancient York Lodge Installation of 2015 Officers
Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 2:00pm

Rising Sun Lodge #39 Installation of 2015 Officers
Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 2pm, Dinner at 5pm


Ancient York # 89 Stated Meeting: 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 PM

Nashua Rainbow: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Pilgrim Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star: 4th Friday at 7:30pm December 26th

York Rite Visitation Israel Hunt Council #8 on Dec 22nd

Stated Meeting Election of Officers, Dec 17th.
At our stated meeting on Dec 17th, Rising Sun Lodge will hold its election of officers. Wor. Bro. Bahsler has had a very active and accomplished two year term. Let’s all thank him for his service

Masonic Birthdays
for December 2014.
Happy Masonic Birthday
to the following Brethren.
Stephen K Bahsler, W.M.

Brother Years
Edward M. Annis 56
Jack H. Tottel 55
Samuel W. Kouchalakos 38
James F. McLaughlin 38
James L. Cate 31
Robert A. Grogg 24
Jeffrey D. Alexander 20
George P. Brown 16
Norman J. Poisson 16
David J. Proulx 8
Robert S. Paul 7
Jay C. Taylor 6
Michael J. Marotte 5
Dominick L. Mandeville 1
David R. Curran 1
Stephen W. Dohoney 1
David A. Lewis 1

Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M. Secretary,
I wish each of the above Brethren a
very happy Masonic Birthday, and
invite them to join us at Lodge this
month, so that I may personally
extend my hand and best wishes.

(603) 821-5196 a.m.


Rising Sun Visitation – A Great Job. Our Visitation with the District Grand Officers was held on Dec 2nd and was well attended. Of particular note was Wor. Bro. Bahslers history of the Entered Apprentice degree, which was outstanding. He chose Wor. Bro. Mike Henry, Master of Ancient York Lodge to portray the candidate, and it was a sight to behold two presiding Masters “Strutting the Stuff”. Congratulations!

Christmas_Party_News_TreeChristmas_Party_News_SantaChristmas Party News. The annual Rising Sun breakfast and Christmas party was well attended on Dec 7th, with multiple types ofpancakes (Blueberry, choc chip, and even M&Ms) and lots of kids. The children (and all) were entertained by a great Magician act with amazing tricks keeping everyone laughing. Santa showed up and all the young ones received gifts from St Nick assisted by Wor. Bro Henry, and everyone was reminded to be good, as Christmas was coming very soon.

Remember Brethren, keep the joy and love of this season in your hearts so that it will sustain us, our friends, neighbors, and the world throughout the year.

When Brothers Meet:
In China, about 300 B.C., Mencius wrote “A master Mason, in teaching his apprentices, makes use of the compasses and the square. Ye who are engaged in the pursuit of Wisdom, must also make use of the compasses and the square.”

Spread some Masonic Brotherhood.
Our Brother, Russ VanderHorst of Goffstown NH is undergoing Chemo and is house bound. This is, as we could all expect, driving him stir-craze. If any of the Brethren are in the Goffstown area and could stop in and chat, Russ would be quite appreciative. Spread some Masonic Brotherhood today

Rising Sun TrestleBoard is electronic. Out Trestleboard is sent out two ways, one as paper, and the second is via E-Mail. (Well three ways really, since we also post it on the web site). If you are currently receiving the Trestleboard via the US Mail, and would like to get it faster, please consider signing up for the E-Mail list. Send the Secretary an E-mail at:

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Steve at 603-759-8279 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
Dues Notices have been sent out for 2015. Along with the traditional method of paying dues via check, Rising Sun #39 has added the capability to use PayPal to electronically pay dues, make donations and catch up on prior years dues. Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details:

Trestleboard – November 2014

Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge!

Coming Events | Birthdays | News


sqcomp2From the East – November 2014

With the fall season upon us, and Thanksgiving just around the corner, let’s take a moment to reflect upon the many blessings bestowed upon us by our Divine Creator.

We are currently in the process of raising money for our annual Turkey fund drive. This allows us to support the Tolles St Mission, Nashua Children’s Home, and other local charities so that they can assure that those who are less fortunate than ourselves can enjoy a happy thanksgiving too. You can help by donating at any of our meetings, or by sending our Secretary a check payable to Rising Sun Lodge # 39, with the notation “Turkey Fund”.

Veterans Day is just around the corner, so let’s take this time to reflect upon the many sacrifices that the past and present members of our armed forces and their families have made, and continue to make, to keep our nation free. Freedom is not free; it was paid for with their blood. To honor our Veterans, Rising Sun Lodge will be marching in the Veteran’s Day parade in Nashua, on Tues Nov 11. We will be assembling at Holman Stadium between 10:15 am – 10:30 am with an 11:11 am start time. All Masons are invited to join us, as well as the other members of the Nashua Masonic Family. Veterans are certainly welcome to wear their military uniforms if they wish. Let’s have a good showing and let the community know that our veterans are not forgotten.

Check your dues card Brethren. If it does not say 2014 on it, you are not current. The 2015 assessment will soon be going out and we have a number of members who are not current. If you are unable to meet your dues commitment, whether due to financial hardship or other factors, we would like to help. I know it can be hard to ask for assistance, but we are your brothers and that’s why we are here. You can contact myself or any lodge officer.

I would like to extend a special invitation to those Brothers who have Masonic Birthdays in November. Come to lodge and allow me to greet you in the East, and allow your Brothers to extend their best wishes to you personally.

Steve Bahsler, W.M.
Cell phone: 603-759-8279

Coming Events

November 19 Stated Communication 7:30 pm, dinner at 6:15 pm. We will be open on the Fellow Craft degree with Bro Ryan Flynn, JW of Ancient York #89 giving a talk on symbolism in the Fellow Craft Degree

Tues Nov. 11– Veteran’s Day Parade. Rising Sun Lodge will be marching in the Nashua Veteran’s Day parade. All members of the Nashua Masonic family, and all Masons are invited to join us. See Masters Message for details.

Wed. Nov. 12 Officer’s meeting on the fourth floor 7:00 pm.
Thursday Nov. 27 – Thanksgiving dinner at the Lodge. Dinner will be served at 2:00 PM. All are welcome.
Grand Lodge of New Hampshire Semi-Annual Communication

Nov 15 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm , Required Officers Master, Wardens, and Grand Lodge Representative

Joint Table Lodge with Ancient York # 89 December 13th


Ancient York # 89 Stated Meeting: Nov11th
At 7:30 PM

Nashua Rainbow: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Pilgrim Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star: November 28th

Bahsler OES
If must be noted that our Worshipful Master, Steve Bahsler was installed at Worthy Patron of Pilgrim Chapter OES in October. Congratulations Bro. Bahsler

York Rite Stated – All Nashua York Rite Bodies Dec 8th
Visitation Israel Hunt Council #8 Dec 22nd

Masonic Birthdays
for November 2014.
Happy Masonic Birthday
to the following Brethren.
Stephen K Bahsler, W.M.

Brother Years
Christos J. Costaras 72
Allan M. Barker 67
Robert S. Mercer 67
Jesse F. Hall 63
Richard E. Gilson 56
Lewis H. Coronis 52
Stephen C. Norris 50
Earl S. Prolman 50
Robert E. Nicholson 48
Harold H. Van-Vliet 44
Roland E. Miller 39
Reuben S. Streeper 36
Jon R. Widdowson 36
Christopher  . Robertson 33
Kenneth G. Cotter 25
Kenneth E. Patterson 16
Robert M. Marotte 5
Adam P. Shrey 5
William S. Horn 4

I wish each of the above Brethren a
very happy Masonic Birthday, and
invite them to join us at Lodge this
month, so that I may personally
extend my hand and best wishes.

Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M. Secretary,
(603) 821-5196 a.m.


When Brothers Meet:

At one time, Golden Lodge #5, Stanstead, Canada occupied a lodge room, which straddled the boundary between Canada and the United States. There were entrances on both sides of the border.

Forget me notThe Forget-Me-Not. 

As early as the year 1934, after Hitler’s rise to power, it became apparent that Freemasonry was in danger.  In the same year, the German Grand Lodge of the Sun in Bayreuth (one of the pre-war German Grand Lodges), realized the imminent problems facing them and elected a little blue flower, the Forget-Me-Not, in lieu of the traditional Square and Compasses, as a mark of identity for Masons.

Ryan Flynn 89Program for the November 19th Stated Meeting.

At our Stated meeting in November, Brother Ryan Flynn, Junior Warden of Ancient Your Lodge #89 will present a discussion on the symbolism of the Fellow Craft degree.

Libby RainbowBrotherly Love is Community Service

“For me, Masonry is about:
-Doing the right thing
-Doing it for the right reason
-Doing it with the right people
-Doing it to the best of your ability….”
John Hill Jr

(Posted on Facebook by Bro Guy Martineau)
Our own M.W. Bro C. Wayne Libby is serving as State Dad Advisor for New Hampshire and participated in Grand Officers day. Great work

November “Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils”
– Cyril Connolly

Need a Ride?
It’s nicer when you’re there. Need a lift to Lodge? Give the Master or Secretary a call. We’ll get you a ride. Call Steve at 603-759-8279 or the temple at 603-821-5196.
Thank you to all of you who’ve paid your dues for 2014. About 1/4 have not, and the Lodge must pay the assessment to the Building Association next month. Please get your dues payment in, or let us know if you need some help.