Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – October 2014As I write this message it is a beautiful fall day. This has always been my favorite time of the year with the colorful foliage, pleasant, comfortable days, and cool nights. It makes for such great sleeping weather. Amidst all the trouble and chaos in the world today, hopefully this will give you pause to reflect on the wonders of God’s creation and all the many blessings he bestows upon his children. On top of all that we get to put baseball season behind us, and focus on football. We had a great turnout at our September Stated. All the Brothers were well rested from the summer hiatus and all charged up for a busy period in our Fraternity. I had the pleasure to welcome Brother Steve Trachtenberg’s dad all the way from Lexington Lodge No. 1 in Lexington Kentucky. It was a fine evening of Masonic Fellowship. The following week we passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Brother Richard Dagenais. He did a great job with his Entered Apprentice lesson. Congratulations to both him and his tutor, Brother Steve Trachtenberg for all the hard work. Those of you who have gone to any of the Lodges of Instruction this year enjoyed a great program. Grand Lodge has been presenting a talk on each of the seven liberal arts and sciences, focusing on a different one at each LOI. It made me appreciate that after more than three decades in the Craft, I still have only scratched the surface of everything there is to know about our great fraternity. The quest for knowledge and education is a life- long goal. It has always been one of the cornerstones of Freemasonry as well. Never give up on your quest for learning. At our November Stated Communication we will be opening on the Fellow Craft degree. We will be welcoming Brother Ryan Flynn, the Sr. Deacon of Ancient York Lodge, who will be giving a fascinating presentation of some of the symbols in the second degree. This will be an evening you will not want to miss!! A friendly reminder Brethren, check your dues card. If it does not have “2014” on it, you are not current. If you are having trouble meeting this obligation, talk to me. The Lodge would like to help. We can remit a portion, or all of your of dues, if you are suffering a financial hardship. The key is, you have to ask. I know this can be a hard thing to do, but we are all Brothers and that’s why we are here. I would like to extend an invitation to those of you who have Masonic Birthdays in October. Come to our Stated Communication and allow your Brothers to all wish you a Happy Masonic Birthday!!. Fraternally, Coming EventsOctober 15 – Stated Communication 7:30 pm, dinner at 6:15 pm Statewide Masonic Open House – Saturday, October 18, 2014; 9AM – 3PM October 22 – Officers meeting on the fourth floor of the Masonic Temple 7:00 pm October 29 – Proficiency Examination and (if entitled) Fellow-Craft Degree November 19 – Stated Communication 7:30 pm, dinner at 6:15 pm GLNH – Master Mason Seminar, November 8 – Milford Another very informative seminar for Master Masons of all “ages”! Saturday, November 8, 9 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Your $25 check is your registration and covers handouts, flash drive, coffee, donuts, and lunch. Dates: Ancient York # 89 Stated: Oct 14th At 7:30 PM November 22nd, at 3pm Ancient York will be offering another Evening of Masonic Light. The night will feature three speakers with Ancient York’s Senior Warden, Brother Chris Busby, discussing the origins of Anti-Masonic sentiment. Following that, Brother Chris Murphy of Fibonacci Lodge No. 112 (GL of VT) will be discussing our ancient Brother Pythagoras and his teachings. Nashua Rainbow: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 PM Pilgrim Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star: October 26th Scottish Rite Valley of Nashua Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a Thank you to all of you who’ve paid your dues for 2014. About 1/4 have not, and the Lodge must pay the assessment to the Building Association next month. Please get your dues payment in, or let us know if you need some help. One way to announce a Lodge Meeting Road Cleanup. Rising Sun #39 Brethren met yet again on Route 102 in Hudson in September on an early Sunday morning and cleaned the road in front of Alverne High School, as has been our tradition for many years. Yes it’s a thankless job, but as Masons, we know Brotherly Love is Community Service Rising Sun Lodge #39 working at the Nashua Lil’ Iguanas Children Safety event in Nashua this October. Our Brothers out making a difference in the community, helping out a worthy non-profit organization. Thank you Brethren who worked, you do us proud. September 1872. First official meeting of Mecca Temple, September 26, in New York. This was the beginning of the Shrine. The guiding spirits were William J. Florence and Dr. Walter M. Fleming
Category: Trestle Board
Trestleboard – September 2014
Trestleboard – June 2014
Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – June 2014Hello Brethren, This past Wednesday we had a good turnout for our Stated Communication. It was a great evening of Masonic fellowship. Our Junior Steward, Brother Jon Bibeau was awarded his second Quarry Award from Rising Sun for his continued efforts in support of the Lodge. Thanks Jon for your many efforts on behalf of the fraternity. It takes many hands to make work light, and the Lodge extends its thanks to all of you who answer the call. We even had the honor of welcoming a distinguished visitor from the Great White North, Very Worshipful Brother Parker Courtney, Past Master of Wentworth Lodge No 108 in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. Speaking of the Great White North, we are planning our tenth annual visit to our Brothers in Nova Scotia for July 17 -20. We are not going to be exemplifying any degrees this year, but will instead be presenting some Scottish Rite plays that are allowed to be viewed by the public. This will give our spouses, significant others, and family some idea of what we do. The ladies will even be presenting a play. Anyone interested in taking part, or in heading north of the border with us should contact R.W. Brother Larry Gullett for information. There are a number Brethren who have not as yet paid their 2014 dues. Some of you even owe for two years. Look in your wallet. If your dues card does not say 2014 on it, then you are not current. If you are unable to meet this obligation let me know. Your Lodge would like to help those of you in need. All you have to do is ask. The June Stated will be our Hiatus Feast. Dress will be casual and your families are all welcome to attend. We will be enjoying an evening of fun and fellowship with our Brothers and their families. I promise you the business meeting will be SHORT – I can guarantee it. I would like to extend an invitation to those of you who have Masonic Birthdays in June. Come to our June Stated Communication and allow your Brothers to all wish you a Happy Masonic Birthday !! Fraternally, Coming EventsGrand Lodge Saturday, June 28th – 225th Anniversary celebration at Portsmouth Masonic Temple. York Rite Monday June 9, 7:30 pm – Meridian Sun Chapter Number 9, R.A.M., Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.&S.M., and St. George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their Stated Communication at the Masonic Temple in Nashua at 7:30pm. Meridian Sun has tentative plans to exemplify the Mark Master Mason degree jointly with King Solomon Chapter from Milford. Scottish Rite Thursday, June 5th – Nashua Learning Center Board of Governors meets at 7:00pm. Rising Sun Lodge Sunday, June 1st – Joint Veterans Program with Ancient York Lodge. This is a semi-public event so bring your friends and family. The program will begin at 3:00 pm and be followed by a prime rib dinner at 5;00 pm. There will be no assessment for honorees and their families, but for all others it is $10.00. Reservations with the Master or the Secretary. Ancient York Lodge Sunday, June 1st – Joint Veterans Program with Rising Sun Lodge. Bektash Shrine Sunday, June 1st – Poker Run. Rainbow Nashua Assembly No.9 meets on the first and third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00pm at the Nashua Masonic Temple. Eastern Star Sunday, June 1st – Lunar Knights Group meeting,Claremont 1:30pm Masonic Birthdays
Stephen K Bahsler, W.M. I wish each of the above Brethren a Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M. Secretary,
HIRAM’S ALMANAC Featuring Coming Events beyond the Current Month Saturday, July 19 – Fairy Tale Festival 1. In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.
Trestleboard – May 2014
Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – May 2014Hello Brethren, Last night we had the honor of welcoming a new Brother into our ranks when we conferred the Entered Apprentice upon Kenneth Steinberg, son of Brother Herb Steinberg. I know there are several of us who have enjoyed the privilege being able to call our fathers, and for some even grandfathers, both Brother and friend. We will continue to be busy as we have a number of candidates working their way through the degrees. We have a number of activities planned for the coming months, as you can see in our schedule of events. Our next rubbish pick-up along route 102 in Hudson will take place Sat, May 3. We will meet for breakfast at Cookie’s Chuck Wagon in Hudson at 7:30 am, and assemble at Alvirne High School around 8:30 am. Remember many hands make work light. We need your help. Our Bikes for Books program is well under way and we will be presenting the bicycles at the first two schools on Tuesday May 6 at assemblies to be held in the morning. It really is fun to be part of this experience and see the excitement on the winners faces as they receive their bikes. You are all welcome to attend. It would be nice if the Lodge had a good turnout at the assemblies. For further information you can contact myself or Brother Trachtenberg. We are planning our tenth annual visit to our Brothers in Nova Scotia for July 17 -20. We are not going to be exemplifying any degrees this year, but will instead be presenting some Scottish Rite plays that are allowed to be viewed by the public. This will give our spouses, significant others, and family some idea of what we do. The ladies will even be presenting a play. Anyone interested in taking part, or in heading north of the border with us should contact R.W. Brother Larry Gullett for information. We are going to be holding a Veterans program on Sunday June 1 at 3:00 pm. This will be a time to honor our Masonic members who have earned awards for their years of membership in our Fraternity. This will be a joint event with our Sister Lodge, Ancient York Lodge. It will be followed by a prime rib dinner at 5;00 pm. There will be no assessment for the honorees and their family, but for the rest of you the assessment is $10.00. The honorees who are eligible for service awards will be contacted and invited to the event. Reservations with myself or the Secretary. There are a number Brethren who have not as yet paid their 2014 dues. Some of you even owe for two years. Look in your wallet. If your dues card does not say 2014 on it, then you are not current. If you are unable to meet this obligation let me know. Your Lodge would like to help those of you in need. All you have to do is ask. I would like to extend an invitation to those of you who have Masonic Birthdays in May. Come to our Stated Communication and allow your Brothers to all wish you a Happy Masonic Birthday !!. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, Master Coming EventsGrand Lodge Friday, May 16th – Sunday, May 18th Annual Meeting in Manchester. York Rite Friday, May 9th – Grand Banquet, 6:30pm-9:30pm in Manchester. Saturday, May 10th – Grand Annual Meeting, 8:30am-4:00pm in Manchester. Scottish Rite Tuesday, May 27th, 7:30pm-10:00pm, Valley of Nashua – Stated Conclaves & Rendezvous. Rising Sun Lodge Saturday, May 3rd – Rubbish removal along route 102 in Hudson. Breakfast at Cookie’s Chuck Wagon at 7:30am, assembling at Alvirne High at 8:30 am. Tuesday, May 6th – Presentation of Bicycles at two local schools, This will be done at morning assemblies at the two schools. Anyone is welcome to attend. For further information contact Brother Trachtenberg or the Master. Wednesday, May 7th – Officers meeting on the fourth floor of the Masonic Temple at 7:00. All are welcome. Come and find out how you can serve your Lodge. Wednesday, May 14th – Fellow-Craft Degree at 7:00 pm. There will be no dinner, but refreshments will follow. Wednesday, May 21st – Stated Communication. Dinner at 6:15 pm, meeting at 7;30 pm. Sunday, June 1st – Joint Veterans Program with Ancient York Lodge. This is a semi-public event so bring along your friends and family. The program will begin at 3:00 pm and be followed by a prime rib dinner at 5;00 pm. There will be no assessment for honorees and their families, but for the rest of you it is $10.00. Reservations with the Master or the Secretary. Ancient York Lodge Saturday, May 3rd -5:00pm Veterans & Past Masters Night. Tuesday, May 13th -6:30pm Stated Communication. Bektash Shrine Friday, May 30th -6:00pm-10:30pm Bektash Smoker. Rainbow Thursday, May 1st – Nashua and Pledge Rainbow Saturday, May 3rd – PGWA Adviser night for Initiation- Penacook – 7pm. Past Grand Officers will put on degrees for several girls. Saturday, May 10th – Rainbow Grand Officer “Adopt a Slave” Davids House Fundraiser – Goffstown Temple-4pm Thursday, May 15th – Nashua and Pledge Rainbow Eastern Star Sunday, May 4th -Grand Conductress organizational meeting – Bristol Sunday, May 18th -OES Grand Rep Reception Friday, May 23rd -Stated Communication 7:30pm Saturday, May 24th -Fisher Cats Baseball game Masonic Birthdays
Stephen K Bahsler, W.M.I wish each of the above Brethren a Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M. Secretary,
HIRAM’S ALMANAC This new feature, inserted by popular demand, will attempt to list our Lodge’s events for this calendar year beyond the current month so that brethren can plan ahead. In some cases dates and times may only be approximate. For more exact information please refer to the monthly Trestleboard ‘Coming Events‘ column. Wednesday, June 24 – Stated Communication and Hiatus Family Dinner Thursday, July 17 to Sunday, July 20 – Nova Scotia Trip. 1. “People reveal far more about themselves when describing other people than they do when describing themselves.”
Trestleboard – April 2014
Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – April 2014Greetings Brethren, The Vernal Equinox was on March 20; the Red Sox first game is April 2nd in Baltimore, and Opening Day at Fenway Park is April 4th. All well and good you say, but so what? This means that spring has finally arrived despite the chill that is still in the air, we at least get to see more of the sun these days. It’s all down-hill from here!!! We enjoyed a good turnout at our last Stated and welcomed three visitors that evening. We voted favorably on one petition and read one other. We also exemplified the Fellow-Craft Degree on March 26th. With the other candidates we are currently working through the degrees we will be very busy in the coming months. As I try to remind myself during tax season, it’s good to be busy!!! Our Bikes for Books program is well under way under the stewardship of our Jr Deacon, Brother Trachtenberg. He has arranged to purchase the bicycles at a substantial discount, directly from the manufacturer, and is negotiating a discount on the freight charges. Between his reduction in costs and our successful fund raising efforts, the program is continuing to enjoy great success. We have reconstituted our Special Ladies Committee and have even recruited some members to serve on it. This an area that we have fallen short on in the past, but we will be making plans as to how we can remember and honor these Special Ladies in the coming months. Details on how you can serve your Lodge in this effort will be forthcoming. Another area that needs improving upon is communication with our Brothers. As pointed out at our District Two (Second to None!!! ) Lodge of Instruction last year, it is important to keep in touch with all of our members on a regular basis. Anyone who wishes to help out in this effort can let me know, and I will put you to work. We will be having an officers meeting on Wednesday, April 30th at 7:00 pm on the fourth floor of the Masonic Temple. All are welcome to attend. If you wish to serve your Lodge in some capacity, this is the meeting for you. Remember, you only get out of something as much as you put into it. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, Master Coming EventsGrand Lodge See Ancient York Lodge April 5th for Nashua event. York Rite No Nashua events. Scottish Rite Thursday, April 3rd, Learning Ctr Bd of Governors, Meeting 7:00 – 8:30pm. Rising Sun Lodge Wednesday, April 16th – Stated Communication, dinner 6:15 PM, meeting 7:30 PM (You better have filed your taxes by now!) Wednesday, April 23rd – Fellow-Craft Degree, 7:00 PM – there will be no dinner but light refreshments will follow Wednesday, April 30th – Officers meeting, all members are welcome. 7:00 PM, 4th floor. Ancient York Lodge Saturday, April 5th, 3rd Annual Evening of Masonic Light, 5:30 -10:00pm. Tuesday, April 8th, Stated Communication, Dinner at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:30pm. Wednesday, April 23rd, District 2 Masters Class, 8:00pm. Bektash Shrine Saturday, April 19th, Hobo Dinner, Social Hour 5:00pm, Dinner 6:00pm. Saturday, April 26th, Comedy Night with The Bucky Lewis Show. Doors open 6:30pm, Showtime 8:00pm, $25.00pp. Rainbow Thursday, April 3rd, Rainbow Pledge Meeting, 7:00pm. Saturday, April 5th, Rainbow Pride Day. Sunday, April 6th, Rainbow Sunday church service in honor of the start of Rainbow in 1922. Wednesday, April 16th, Joint Meeting with Derry Chapter in Derry. Saturday, April 19th, Backwards Table Lodge-DADS Program at Portsmouth temple 5:00 – 7:00pm. Eastern Star Friday, April 11th to Sunday, April, 13th, NH OES Grand Chapter Ball weekend at the Town & Country Inn in Gorham, NH Saturday, April 19th, OES Legislation Review Meeting, 10:00am in Penacook. Friday, April 25th, Stated Communication 7:30pm. Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a Stephen K Bahsler, W.M. ATTRACTING THIRSTY HORSES In his message for March our Worshipful Master reminded us of the well-known fact that 5% of the people make things happen, 10% watch things happen and 85% ask, “What happened?” Without quibbling over a few percentage points one way or the other, we can all agree that Worshipful’s delineation of three types of people as Makers, Watchers and Askers is an accurate characterization of human nature in general and our lodge’s membership in particular. We all seek to subdue our passions and improve ourselves but it is a mistake to think we can change human nature. Rather we should be looking at the numbers and determining how we can make them work to our advantage. Obviously, we need to grow our membership so that the small percentage of Makers becomes a larger number due to our increase in total membership. How are we perceived by those who don’t know us? Are we a social club, a fraternity or a “secret society?” There is a mystique about Freemasonry. It is attractive to those who are curious about us and might even join just to satisfy their curiosity. Unfortunately, some may be disappointed to learn that our secrets are not all that deep and dark. However, there are things about us that we should share with others and we can accomplish this by becoming a more visible presence in the community. If we are seen to be doing things that benefit more worthy causes Masonic membership becomes an attractive choice for those wanting to affiliate with a worthwhile civic organization. In other words, some thirsty horses who will drink when led to water, willing participants in Lodge activities. This new feature, inserted by popular demand, will attempt to list our Lodge’s events for this calendar year beyond the current month so that brethren can plan ahead. In some cases dates and times may only be approximate. For more exact information please refer to the monthly Trestleboard ‘Coming Events‘ column. Additional information will be added as it becomes available. Wednesday, June 24 – Stated Communication and Hiatus Family Dinner Thursday, July17 to Sunday, July 20 – Nova Scotia Trip. QUOTES OF THE MONTH
CORRECTED – Trestleboard – March 2014
Your Trestleboard for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – March 2014Greetings Brethren I am sure that by now you are as sick of the winter as I am. Well take heart, pitchers and catchers have already reported for spring training. Your lodge has a number of projects underway and we need your help. As reported last month our annual Bikes for Books program is ramping up and we need volunteers. You can assist in many ways, such as in fundraising (bring any ideas you have to the table), or helping to purchase or assemble bikes. You might also want to be present at the assemblies at the schools when we award the bicycles. It was gratifying to see the look on the children’s faces when they found out they won. Anyone interested in assisting can contact either myself, or Steve Trachtenberg. We are also working to rebuild our Special Ladies Program. These are the widows of departed Worthy Brothers. We used to remember them in so many ways, but over the years this fell by the wayside. We are working on building a Special Ladies Committee and Brother John Woodrow has agreed to chair it. We need volunteers to help him. Committees of one are no fun, as many of you know. If you are interested in helping, you know what to do. Brethren, you will only get as much out of Masonry as you are willing to put into it. You can serve your Lodge and your Brethren in so many ways. All you have to is ask how can I help? I have heard it said that 5.00% of the people make things happen; 10.00% of the people watch things happen, and the other 85.00% say what happened? Which group are you going to be in? I would like to extend a special invitation to all of our Brothers with March Masonic birthdays to attend our next Stated. Allow me to greet you in the East, and along with all the Brethren, to wish you a Happy Birthday. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, Master Coming EventsGrand Lodge No Nashua events scheduled. York Rite Monday, Mar. 10th – 7:30pm, Meridian Sun Chapter No. 9, R.A.M. -Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.& S.M. and Saint George Commandery No. 8, K.T. Will hold their Stated and Annual Communication at the Nashua Temple. Business will include annual reports as well as election and installation of officers. Saturday, Mar. 22nd-Commandery Inspection Coffee at 8:00am. Work 9:00am-Noon, lunch to follow. Scottish Rite Tuesday, Mar. 18th Stated NH Consistory & VN 7:30pm Friday, Mar. 21st Social Night 7:00pm Rising Sun Lodge Wednesday, Mar. 12th – Fellow Craft Degree Rehearsal Wednesday, Mar. 19th-Stated Communication, dinner at 6:15pm, meeting at 7:30pm Wednesday, Mar. 26th – Lesson proficiency and Fellow Craft Degree if entitled. Ancient York Lodge Thursday, Mar. 6th-Masters & Wardens Meeting 6:30pm Friday, Mar. 7th-EA Degree 6:30pm Tuesday, Mar. 11th-Stated Communication. Dinner at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:30pm Bektash Shrine Monday, Mar. 17th – Stated Communication at 6:00pm at Concord Shrine Center. Rainbow Saturday, Mar. 1st -Charity Ball 7:00pm to 11:00pm in Franklin. Thursday, Mar. 6th – Rainbow Pledge Meeting, 7:00pm. Sunday, Mar. 9th – Mr NH Rainbow Pageant, Portsmouth Temple, 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Thursday, Mar. 20th- Rainbow Pledge Meeting, 7:00pm. Saturday, Mar. 29th – Official Visit of GWA – Nashua Masonic Temple, 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Eastern Star Saturday, Mar. 15th – Cook-Off Noon to 5:00pm. Friday, Mar. 28th Stated Communication, 5:00pm Meeting, 6:15pm Hamloaf dinner, 7:30pm Visitation Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a Stephen K Bahsler, W.M. THIRSTY HORSES WANTED It’s a true saying that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. This applies to organizations like ours with voluntary membership and participation. It follows that members who regularly attend meetings and participate in lodge activities represent a percentage of total membership. A percentage that will tend to remain the same from year to year. So the best way to increase attendance and participation is to increase membership. In other words, find some more thirsty horses and give them plenty of water to drink. NEXT MONTH: FINDING THIRSTY HORSES Hiram’s almanac This new feature, inserted by popular demand, will attempt to list our Lodge’s events for this calendar year beyond the current month so that brethren can plan ahead. In some cases dates and times may only be approximate. For more exact information please refer to the monthly Trestleboard ‘Coming Events’ column. Additional information will be added as it becomes available. Saturday, March 8 – District Table Lodge Wednesday, June 24 – Stated Communication and Hiatus Family Dinner Thursday, July17 to Sunday, July 20 – Nova Scotia Trip A paraprosdokian is a figure of speech in which the end of a sentence is unexpected: 1. Where there’s a will, I want to be in it. 2. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until they speak. 3. If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong. 4. War does not determine who is right- only who is left. 5. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. 6. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. 7. I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not so sure. 8. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. 9. You’re never too old to learn something stupid. 10. I’m supposed to respect my elders, but it’s getting harder now to find any.
Trestleboard – February 2014
Your Trestleboard for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – February 2014Greetings Brethren, As of the writing of this message the officers of your lodge have been officially installed for 2014 and most are beginning their second year in their current position. We started off the new-year by welcoming two new Entered Apprentices into our ranks. The degree was exemplified in outstanding fashion under the direction of Brother Guy Martineau who traded seats with me for the evening. I have to say that I found the degree more relaxing sitting in the West. It is the time of year when we kick off our annual Bikes for Books program. For those of you who are not familiar with it, this is a program that we use to promote reading among children. We hold a competition in which children grades 1-6 are encouraged to read, and whoever reads the most books is given a bicycle, with a helmet and lock. Last year we gave out 36 bicycles (two per grade) at three local schools. It was very gratifying to see the look of joy on the faces of those who won. Anyone interested in helping out, whether in fundraising, assembly of the bicycles, or who wish to be present at the assemblies when the bikes are presented can contact myself, or the program chairman, Brother Steve Trachtenberg. Further details will be forthcoming. I know it’s hard to look ahead to July while we are in the middle of winter, but we are currently planning the trip to visit our Brothers of John Albro Lodge in Halifax Nova Scotia. This will mark the tenth anniversary of our annual visitations. The program will be a little different this year, in that we will not be exemplifying any Blue Lodge degrees. Instead we will be performing two Scottish Rite public plays. All are invited to watch. For further details and for booking hotel reservations see the enclosed flyer. For more information – contact Larry Gullett, PM, Rising Sun Lodge #39 – 603 582-7233. I would like to extend a special invitation to all of our Brothers with February Masonic birthdays to attend our next Stated. Allow me to greet you in the East, and along with all the Brethren, to wish you a Happy Birthday. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, Master Coming EventsGrand Lodge No Nashua events scheduled. York Rite No Nashua events scheduled Scottish Rite Monday, Feb. 3rd-Nashua Rehearse 4th & 7th, 6:15pm Monday, Feb. 3rd-Rehearse 15th in Candia, 6:30pm Monday, Feb. 10th-Nashua Rehearse 4th & 7th, 6:15pm Monday, Feb. 10th-Rehearse 15th in Candia, 6:30pm Monday, Feb. 17th-Nashua Rehearse 4th & 7th, 6:15pm Tuesday, Feb. 18th-Rehearse 15th in Candia, 6:30pm Monday, Feb. 24th-Nashua Perform 4th & 7th, 6:15pm Wednesday, Feb. 26th-Nashua 6th & 15th, 6:15pm Rising Sun Lodge Wednesday, Feb. 12th – Officers’ Meeting, 7:00pm Wednesday, Feb. 19th – Stated Communication, dinner at 6:15, meeting at 7:30. Ancient York Lodge Tuesday, Feb. 11th-Stated Communication, dinner at 6:30, meeting at 7:30. Tuesday, Feb. 25th, Officers Meeting, 6:30pm Bektash Shrine Sunday, Feb. 2nd-Super Bowl Party, Shrine Center Saturday, Feb 15th-Valentine’s Dinner and Dance, Shrine Center Rainbow Nashua Assembly No. 9 meets on the first amd third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00pm at the Nashua Masonic Temple. Eastern Star Saturday, Feb. 15th-Murder Mystery Dinner Theater, Cocktail hour at 5:30pm Friday, Feb. 28th-Stated Communication, 7:30pm. Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a Stephen K Bahsler, W.M. “You’re a Mason, aren’t you?” Many of us who wear our Masonic rings or square and compasses lapel pins have heard that question before. After answering proudly in the affirmative we are usually told that the person who asked the question has a grandfather, father, uncle and/or brother who are or were Masons. But when we, in turn, ask if this person with such a wonderful family tradition plans to continue it, we are frequently given any number of reasons why they can’t or won’t. One of the most common reasons is that they are just too busy! We can’t help wondering if George Washington or Ben Franklin had that much spare time on their hands. Building a nation, after all, was a time consuming task and we never hear about how they spent their leisure time or where they went on vacation. And yet they found time for The Craft as did so many other famous Masons and millions of their not-so-famous brethren. We may be busier than they were but we also have more leisure time. Carving out some of that leisure time for the worthwhile activities of Freemasonry is a wise investment in personal growth and service to the community. HIRAM’S ALMANAC This new feature, inserted by popular demand, will attempt to list our Lodge’s events for this calendar year beyond the current month so that brethren can plan ahead. In some cases dates and times may only be approximate. For more exact information please refer to the monthly Trestleboard ‘Coming Events’ column. Saturday, March 8 – District Table Lodge 1. Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Trestleboard – January 2014
Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – January 2014Happy New Year everyone!! I find it hard to believe that a year has gone by since I was first elected Master of your Lodge. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun. With the support of the Officers, Past Masters and especially you Brethren, I would like to think that the past year was a successful one. Our Masonic Fraternity, much like ourselves, is always a work in progress. We are all rough ashlars, striving to become the perfect ashlar. This is a lifelong process. We still have a lot of work to do, and I look forward to what we can achieve together in the coming year. Anyone interested in becoming more involved in their Lodge or in helping with planning for 2014 can contact me any time. You are also welcome to attend the officer’s meeting scheduled for later this month. Last month we raised four Brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. I would like to congratulate these Brothers (you know who you are) and welcome them as members of Rising Sun Lodge. It is certainly exciting to be starting your journey in Freemasonry. At our December Stated Communication we tried something new that Grand Lodge is encouraging all Lodges to make a part of their Stated Communications. We held an informal round-table type discussion and asked the questions why did you join Freemasonry and what keeps you coming back? As you might imagine, there were as many answers as there were participants and the discussion was very interesting. Since this was so well received, it will be a part of our future Stated Communications. Anyone who has a suggestion for future topics let me know. We will try to limit the time to about 15 minutes. Last month we held our annual breakfast with Santa. Old Saint Nick and one of his elves were there with presents for all of the good girls and boys. The event was well attended and a good time was had by all. Thanks go out to the Brothers who made this possible. As was announced at our last Stated our new web-site is now live. If you have not seen it yet, check it out. Thanks go out to all the Brothers who worked on this, and particularly to Brother Bibeau for all of his efforts. We have many improvements and additions that will be made in the coming months. Anyone interested in helping or with any suggestions please feel free to contact either myself or Brother Bibeau. If you or any of our Brothers or their family are in sickness or distress, or have some other need, let us know. Your Lodge is here to help!! Whether it is a ride to meetings, a friendly face to talk to, or anything else, your Brothers are here for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out. That’s what Freemasonry is all about. I would like to extend a special invitation to all of our Brothers with January Masonic birthdays to attend our next Stated. Allow me to greet you in the East, and along with all the Brethren, to wish you a Happy Birthday. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, Master Coming EventsGrand Lodge No Nashua events scheduled. York Rite No Nashua events scheduled. Scottish Rite Tuesday, Jan. 7 – Executive Committee Meeting at 6:00pm Friday, Jan. 17 – Social Night 7:00pm. Saturday, Jan. 25 – Masonic Work Day at Scottish Rite Museum & Library, Lexington, Massachusetts from 9:30am to 4:00pm. Volunteers wanted. Rising Sun Lodge Wednesday, Jan. 8 – E.A. Degree – if entitled at 7:00pm Wednesday, Jan. 15 – Stated Communication & Annual Meeting-dinner 6:15pm /Meeting 7:30pm Wednesday, Jan. 22– Officer’s Meeting – 7:00pm, 4th floor. Ancient York Lodge Tuesday, Jan. 14 – Stated Communication at 6:30pm. Sunday, Jan. 19 – Installation of Officers at 2:00pm Bektash Shrine Saturday, Jan. 18 – Installation of Officers, time to be announced. Rainbow Nashua Assembly No. 9 meets on the first amd third Thursday, Jan. 9 – Rehearsal 6:30pm. Sunday, Jan. 19 – Pledge Breakfast Eastern Star Saturday, Jan. 11– Sawhegenit visitation – 2:00pm Thursday, Jan. 16 – James Farrington-Pleiades visitation – 7:30pm. Friday, Jan. 24 – Stated Communication.
Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a Stephen K Bahsler, W.M. Are You The Missing Mason? Has it been six months or more since you last attended a Stated Communication? If so, your brothers want you to know that you are missed. Your Lodge values your attendance and participation. Meetings are different now. Some new features have been added including a lively discussion period on subjects of interest and importance to all the members of Rising Sun Lodge. Another new feature is the Brotherhood of Song during which we all join in and sing along to some timely and inspirational songs. So things are changing and if you have some ideas on how to improve your Lodge and its meetings our Master welcomes your input. So come to the next meeting and give us your thoughts. SUCCESS IS… 1.“Success is a man who has the love and trust of a woman, a job he likes, and an abiding sense of humor. Success is a man whose children love him and have made him proud of them. Success is a man who dies at home in his sleep after a good life.” David Brown 2.“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do.” Bob Dylan. 3. “I personally measure success in terms of the contribution an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings.” Margaret Mead 4. “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much bythe position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” Booker T. Washington 5. “Success is to be measured not by wealth, power, or fame, but by the ratio between what a man is and what he might be.” H.G. Wells
Trestleboard – December 2013
Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – December 2013Greetings Brethren As I write this message Thanksgiving is almost upon us. Let’s all take a moment to reflect upon all the good things we have in our lives, and give thanks to our Divine Creator, from whom all blessings flow. It is all too easy to take the good for granted and focus instead on all the negative aspects of our lives and the world around us. The Lodge had another successful Turkey Drive, in which we raised over $700.00 to provide turkeys and other food items to the Tolles Street Mission, the Nashua Children’s Home, and other local charities. By the time you read this, we will also have served dinner at the Lodge on Thanksgiving Day. As is our custom, we did not charge for the meal which is open to Masons their families and friends. At present, we expect over 50 people to attend. When you get a chance, check out the Lodge’s new web site, which recently went on line. We hope you will all like the design and functionality of the new site. We have many upgrades and other features that will be added in the coming months. I would like to extend a special thanks to Jon Bibeau and the other Brothers who assisted in this effort. If you have any suggestions or would like to help with the monthly up-keep of the site, let me or Brother Bibeau know. As you may know, last month several members of the Lodge volunteered to assist at the Salvation Army’s Apple-fest, their largest annual fundraiser. We were in charge of operating the food concession. We recently received a letter from Jennifer Horn, the event Chairperson, thanking us for our help. Despite the drizzly, overcast day, it was the largest grossing event they have ever held. You should all be proud of your Lodge for being part of this important fundraising effort and for the good work it enables the Salvation Army to do in our area. At our November Stated we tried something new that Grand Lodge has been encouraging all Lodges to do. We held an informal, 15 minute round table type discussion, and asked the following questions: What originally attracted you to Masonry and what has kept you coming back? This lead to an interesting and thought provoking discussion in which nearly all participated. This is something that will be part of all of our Stated Meetings. If you have a Masonic related topic that you would like to bring up in the future, let me know. Look at your dues card, Brethren. If it does not say 2013 on it, then you are not current. The 2014 dues notices will soon be going out as well. There are several of you who owe one or more years’ dues and are in danger of suspension. If you are having trouble paying your dues, contact me or any of the Lodge officers. We would like to help. That’s what Brothers are for. I would like to extend a special invitation to all those who have Masonic Birthdays in December. Come to Lodge and enjoy the fellowship with your Brothers, and allow us all to personally extend to you birthday greetings. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, Master Cell phone: 603-759-8279 E-Mail to:
Coming EventsGrand Lodge No events scheduled. York Rite Monday, Dec. 9 – Stated Communication at 7:30pm. Monday, Dec. 16 – Rehearsal 7:00pm. Scottish Rite Friday, Jan. 17 – Social Night 7:00pm. Saturday, Jan. 25 – Masonic Work Day at Scottish Rite Museum & Library, Lexington, Massachusetts from 9:30am to 4:00pm. Volunteers wanted. Rising Sun Lodge Sunday, Dec. 8 – Christmas Party, 8:00am -11:00am. Wednesday, Dec. 11 – Proficiencies & Master Mason Degree. First section 5:30 pm, dinner 6:30 pm, second section 7:30 pm. Wednesday, Dec. 18 – Family Dinner at 6:30pm. Stated Communication at 7:30pm. Election of Officers. Wednesday, Jan. 15 – Stated Communication at 6:30pm. Ancient York Lodge Tuesday, Dec. 10 – Stated Communication at 6:30pm. Election of officers. Tuesday, Jan. 14 – Stated Communication at 6:30pm. Bektash Shrine Saturday, Dec. 7 – Annual holiday party at the Concord Shrine Center. For details go to Monday, Dec. 16 – Stated communication and election of officers at the Concord Shrine Center at 6:00pm. Rainbow Nashua Assembly No. 9 meets on the first amd third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00pm at the Nashua Masonic Temple. Thursday, Dec. 12 – Rehearsal 6:30pm. Sunday, Dec. 15 – Pledge Breakfast 8:00am. Thursday, Jan. 9 – Rehearsal 6:30pm. Sunday, Jan. 19 – Pledge Breakfast Eastern Star Saturday, Dec. 7 – Member Orientation 2:00pm. Sunday, Dec. 15 – Rehearsal 12:00 noon. Sunday, Dec. 15 – Old Fashioned Degree Rehearsal 3:00pm. Friday, Dec. 27 – Stated communication Sunday, Jan. 19 – Basket Weaving. Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and Stephen K Bahsler, W.M.
Brethren, In December the Brotherhood of Song will celebrate the holiday season with some popular Christmas carols and we’ll ring in the new year with a rousing chorus of Auld Lang Syne. It’s lots of fun and a good reason to come and enjoy our Lodge. “Quotations of the Dalai Lama”1. “If your heart has peace, nothing can disturb you.” 2. “Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.” 3. “Judge your success by what you had to give up to get it.” 4. “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” 5. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” 6. “Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.” “Quote of the Month”“A major source of personal misery comes from trying to be something you are not.”
Don’t forget the holiday family dinner, 6:30 at the December Stated. Please RSVP with the number of your guests.
Trestle Board – November 2013
Your Trestle board for Rising Sun Lodge. Keep on top of what’s happening at the Lodge! |
From the East – November 2013Greetings Brethren The fall is usually a busy time in our Fraternity and your Lodge is no exception. We recently hosted the annual Visitation of Grand Lodge. We had a good turnout and enjoyed an evening of Masonic fellowship and education. Thanks go out to RW Brother Bianchi who presented a talk on famous Nashua Masons, many of whom were Past Masters of Rising Sun Lodge, and Past Grand Masters. We can certainly be proud of our Masonic heritage. We also have some BIG shoes to fill. Thanks go out to all of the Brothers and family members who volunteered to help out at the Salvation Army’s annual “Applefest”. This is their biggest fundraiser of the year and goes a long way toward supporting the good work they do in our community. They had appealed to us for help and we answered the call. We really had a great turnout. You can all be very proud of your lodge. Those of you who were unable to attend our October Stated missed a fine meal prepared by our JD and his mom. It was outstanding and a real treat. We also had a large group of October Masonic Birthday boys with, us who enjoyed being serenaded by their Brothers. We are currently in the process of raising money for our annual Turkey fund drive. This allows us to support the Tolles St Mission, Nashua Children’s Home, and other local charities so that they can assure that those who are less fortunate than ourselves can enjoy a happy thanksgiving too. You can help by donating at any of our meetings, or by sending our Secretary a check payable to Rising Sun Lodge # 39, with the notation “Turkey Fund”. Last year we raised over $1,000, and we hope to exceed that this year. Veterans Day is just around the corner, so let’s take this time to reflect upon the many sacrifices that the past and present members of our armed forces and their families have made, and continue to make, to keep our nation free. Freedom is not free; it was paid for with their blood. To honor our Veterans, Rising Sun Lodge will be marching in the Veteran’s Day parade in Nashua, on Monday Nov 11. We will be assembling at Holman Stadium between 9:15am – 9:30am with a 10:00am start time. All Masons are invited to join us, as well as the other members of the Nashua Masonic Family. Veterans are certainly welcome to wear their military uniforms if they wish. Let’s have a good showing and let the community know that our veterans are not forgotten. Check your dues card Brethren. If it does not say 2013 on it, you are not current. The 2014 assessment will soon be going out and we have a number of members who are not current. If you are unable to meet your dues commitment, whether due to financial hardship or other factors, we would like to help. I know it can be hard to ask for assistance, but we are your brothers and that’s why we are here. You can contact myself or any lodge officer. I would like to extend a special invitation to those Brothers who have Masonic Birthdays in November. Come to lodge and allow me to greet you in the East, and allow your Brothers to extend their best wishes to you personally. Fraternally, Stephen K. Bahsler, W.M. Cell phone: 603-759-8279 Coming EventsGrand Lodge Saturday, Nov. 16- Semi-Annual Stated Communication 9:00am in Manchester. Scottish Rite Saturday, Nov. 2– NH Consistory Fall Reunion 8:00am to 1:30pm. Rising Sun Lodge: Monday, Nov. 11- Veteran’s Day Parade. Rising Sun Lodge will be marching in the Nashua Veteran’s Day parade. See Master’s Message for details. Ancient York Lodge Tuesday, Nov. 5 – Master Mason Degree to be performed by Shriners at 5:30pm. Bektash Shrine Saturday, Nov. 23 to Sunday, Dec. 1 – 13th Annual “Fez”-tival of Trees. For details go to Rainbow Nashua Assembly No. 9 meets on the first and third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00pm at the Nashua Masonic Temple. Eastern Star Friday, Nov. 15 – Moving Forward Seminar at 7:00pm in Rochester. Masonic Birthdays
I wish each of the above Brethren a Stephen K Bahsler, W.M. Brethren, The Brotherhood of Song has been OCTOBER 9th VISITATION R.W. David W. Smith, 2nd District D.D.G.M. with officers and members from throughout the district were welcomed by W. M. Stephen K. Bahsler along with officers and members of Rising Sun Lodge. 1. “Seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.” Richard J. Needham. Quote of the Month “You cannot improve your circumstances without first improving yourself.”