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Masonic Trestleboard
~ November 2018
From the East
In the troubled world we live in today it is very easy to forget about all the good things we have in our lives. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, let’s all take a moment to reflect upon the numerous blessings bestowed upon us by our Divine Creator. With Monday November 11 being Veteran’s Day, we should also reflect upon the many sacrifices made by the brave men and women of our armed services. It is their precious blood that allows us to live in our great country, and enjoy the blessings of freedom and liberty, which it can be all too easy to take for granted.
We will be continuing our annual tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving at the Lodge on Thursday Nov 22 at 2:00 pm in the dining hall. It will be a magnificent turkey dinner with all the fixings. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. To ensure we will have enough food, please make reservations with RW Brother Larry Gullett. His e-mail is . You can also contact any lodge officer and they will pass along the word.
One final word Brethren; please remember to keep RW Brother Joe Beaumont in your thoughts and prayers as he is facing some current health issues. Let’s all hope and pray for a speedy recovery.
Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.
Mobile: 603.315-1157
Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.
Mobile: 603-315-1157
In last month’s Trestleboard we announced the establishment of the $100 Club. This is a fund set aside to help with the costs of celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the founding of our Lodge !! That is quite an achievement, and one we can all be very proud of. For a donation of $100 you not only get to help the Lodge with this celebration, but you will get your name on a commemorative plaque to be displayed in the anteroom. You do not have to pay this all at once, but can do so in installments. There are further details and payment options available on our website:
2018 Annual Dues Is Seriously Past Due
2019 Annual Dues are due by dec 31, 2018
You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well.
Important Lodge Events
6:15pm Dinner 7:30 pm Lodge Opens
Thursday, Nov 22, 2018
4th floor dining hall at 2:00pm. No charge and all are welcome.
Officer’s meeting / degree rehearsal
4th Floor 6:30PM.
masonic veterans program
lunch at 12:00pm, program at 1:00pm.
masonic family christmas party
finger sandwiches, beverages, and an ice cream bar from 12 -3. santa arrives at 1:30. parents should bring an age appropriate gift for their child of up to $10.00 in value for santa to give out. Be sure to put your child’s name on the gift.
Nashua & Other Masonic Family Dates:
Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.
Monday December 10, 2018–York Rite Stated
Meridian Sun Chapter No. 9, R.A.M., Israel Hunt Council No. 8, R.&S.M. and St George Commandery No. 8, K.T. will hold their stated communication at 7:30pm.
Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018–Ancient York Lodge
Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.
Friday, Nov 23, 2018– O.E.S.
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.
Masonic Birthdays –November 2018
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:
Brother Years
Allan M. Barker 71
Robert S. Mercer 71
Jesse F. Hall 67 Richard E. Gilson 60
Lewis H. Coronis 56
Stephen C. Norris 54
Earl S. Prolman 54
Robert E. Nicholson 52
Roland E. Miller 43
Reuben S. Streeper 40
Jon R. Widdowson 40
Kenneth E. Patterson 20
Jonathan P. Ramsdell 11
Robert M. Marotte 9
Adam P. Shrey 9
William S. Horn 8
Leonard L. Perkins 8