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Rising Sun Lodge #39 F&AM |
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Making a difference in our community since 1822 |
Masonic Trestleboard ~ February 2017 ~ |
From the East
First, Thank you to everybody, and more specifically Pilgrim Chapter No. 55, OES Rainbow Girls, Grand Lodge of NH, Past Masters, Brethren all, and my Family. I was a little awed at all the love shown and I hope to serve you well.
We are starting a new chapter, but let us remember that Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth are our foundation and we should be ever mindful in that pursuit. I would ask that in the next year you take 5 minutes out of every day and devote it to these three ideas, and just call up someone in your masonic family and connect with them in the way that only a brother can. The reason I am still here after all these years is that my top and bottom line signers and lodge officers would always call me before an event an invite me as a new mason.
Again Thank You all, See you at the next stated meeting, and if you know of someone in need or distress please let a line office know. If we don’t know, we can’t help!
Kenneth E. Ziehm II, Worshipful Master
Attest: Brian J. Smith, PM Secretary
Important Lodge Events
Nashua Masonic Family Dates
Rainbow Stated – 1s & 3rd Thursdays
Nashua Assembly No. 9, International Order of Rainbow for Girls will meet at 7:00 pm.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 – Ancient York Lodge
Will hold its Stated Communication at 7:30 pm, to be preceded by dinner at 6:30 pm.
Monday Feb 20, 2017 8:00 pm St. George Commandery No 8, K.T.
There will be a special meeting at the Temple in Nashua for all the members to discuss a plan to make your Commandery viable again. We have reached the tipping point and have to decide how best to move forward. We will be assembling in the card room, following the Scottish Rite rehearsal.
Friday, February 24, 2017 – O.E.S.
Pilgrim Chapter No. 55 will hold its’ Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm.
Masonic Birthdays – February 2017
Happy Masonic Birthday to the following Brethren:
Brother | Years |
Roger W. Gaskill | 66 |
John G. Senter | 62 |
Kenneth P. Blanchard | 55 |
G. Raymond Palmer | 48 |
Randy S. McMullen | 33 |
Steven F. Maffee | 31 |
David A. Barker | 26 |
Shawn N. Jasper | 26 |
William Luszey | 25 |
Rock W. Romeo | 24 |
Wayne R. Johnson | 22 |
Anthony F. Phillips, Jr. | 21 |
Thomas V. Mullen | 16 |
Jason F. Ruimerman | 14 |
Gregory W. Chenevert | 11 |
Matthew A. Stanizzi | 6 |
I wish each of the above Brethren a very happy Masonic Birthday, and invite them to join us at Lodge this month, so that I may personally extend my hand and best wishes.
Kenneth E. Ziehm II, W.M.
Attest: Brian J Smith, P.M., Secretary
Elected Officers – Rising Sun 2017
Worshipful Master: | Kenneth Ziehm II |
Senior Warden: | Timothy Marotte |
Junior Warden: | Stephen Trachtenberg |
Secretary: | Brian Smith |
Associate Secretary: | Steve. Bahsler |
Treasurer: | Larry Gullett |
Associate Treasurer: | Kevin Bailey |
Trustee: | Ed Waible |
Grand Lodge Rep: | Michael Tebbetts |
The Masonic core principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth
Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: it seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches and practices concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need. Freemasonry has at it’s heart the three core principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Brotherly Love. Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and will behave with compassion and understanding to his fellows.
Relief. From earliest times Freemasons have been taught to help those in distress without detriment to their dependents, and to give their support to outside charities.
Truth. Freemasons strive for truth both in their view of themselves and in their dealings with others. Masonry requires high moral standards and its members endeavor to uphold these principles in their public and private lives.
Lodge of Happiness 7952
Birmingham England
Trestleboard Archive
It was voted on during our September Stated Meeting that Lodge Dues will be going up to $105 for Rising Sun, combined with the GL Assessments for 2017 totaling $55 this brings the total to $160. Note that dues is due prior to the ensuing year. 2017 Dues is due on or before December 31, 2016
Can you cook? Test your culinary skills by signing up to cook a Stated Meeting Dinner
2nd Masonic District Officers
Right Worshipful Joseph J. H. Beaumont
District Deputy Grand Master
Right Worshipful Robert M. Porter
District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Worshipful Malcolm A. Wooff
District Education Officer
Need a Ride? It was voted on during our September Stated Meeting that Lodge Dues will be going up to $105 for Rising Sun, combined with the GL Assessments for 2017 totaling $55 this brings the total to $160. Note that dues is due prior to the ensuing year. 2017 Dues is due on or before December 31, 2016 |
2016 ANNUAL DUES IS PAST DUE 2017 ANNUAL DUES IS DUE You may pay via check, or electronically via the Rising Sun Website. You may also make donations electronically for specific funds as well. Please see the Rising Sun Web site for details: |